domingo, 27 de agosto de 2017

Let's try some altruism next time

ok last time I say but I was reflecting on that my father stood 1 day w his mother at the hospital was his obligation and she felt honored.

is so so hard him doing something altruistic something for others that she felt honored. people are used to praise him for doing something

someone should not be praised for doing his obligations or the right thing. He is never gonna learn how to consider others feelings.

I take care of two people very very old 94 and 97 and some people believes I do nothing all day..

It's exhausting they are deaf have to say same thing close to each one's ear at least 5x EACH I have patience with then it's like kids

It's like having two kids instead of growing they are getting each time more dependent of help of care of patience

me and my aunt decided we are gonna take care of them as long we are able to. They were very loving with us. They deserve love back.

I learned to give value to other things in life than a career or just money.. they are much more things in life worth living too.