domingo, 27 de agosto de 2017

About Royalty

There is never gonna be another Queen on music after #Madonna as we don't have monarchs anymore.. presidents come and go but royalty..

#madonna scandalized everyone doing what she felt in her heart kissing, singing, dancing, composing, creating, fashion, everything..

every woman in this planet had her life affected by her influence somehow. Every woman wanted to do a thing or two she has done..

try a woman, a black boyfriend, a gay friend, fashion trend, talk about sex openly, dare to dream, to be themselves, name it..

and she still does dancing romantic exciting music, directs movies, is a mother, create trends, have political views, cultured, is dynamic

and all those artists don't last cause they don't have those genuine causes.. their music don't changed intrinsically people's life..

I am passionate about her ever since I first saw her listened what a tremendous beautiful force of nature, what an energy.. #madonna

Let's try some altruism next time

ok last time I say but I was reflecting on that my father stood 1 day w his mother at the hospital was his obligation and she felt honored.

is so so hard him doing something altruistic something for others that she felt honored. people are used to praise him for doing something

someone should not be praised for doing his obligations or the right thing. He is never gonna learn how to consider others feelings.

I take care of two people very very old 94 and 97 and some people believes I do nothing all day..

It's exhausting they are deaf have to say same thing close to each one's ear at least 5x EACH I have patience with then it's like kids

It's like having two kids instead of growing they are getting each time more dependent of help of care of patience

me and my aunt decided we are gonna take care of them as long we are able to. They were very loving with us. They deserve love back.

I learned to give value to other things in life than a career or just money.. they are much more things in life worth living too.

sábado, 26 de agosto de 2017

Real Rebellious

being alive, for me, is already an act of rebellion.. according to my sperm donor I shouldn't be born.

Very Unpleasant

My father's mother called me yesterday to tell me my coison Lucas is getting marriage how proud she is of him. Lucas should have been a diplomat..

but she told me that but not inviting me and also remembered that she gave all her jewelry to Lucas's mom who is gonna give his wife a gift

but to me the Law applied is that if I am a lesbian I should not tell anyone not even alone in my room back to the mirror w lights off..🤔

Her voice is echoing in my head like a bug that entered your ear and you want it out.

In London when my father went to pick me up he said to me he is gonna leave all his fortune to Lucas. He is that kind of asshole.. 😃👌💩 I was 19 and around 9 month after losing my mother.

I had no camera he had one and said to me I could lend you this so you photograph the city but I'm not going to. (Before the digital era of cameras)

and I have almost none picutres of there. Only some friend that visited me and took some tue same that photographed my college graduation.

And I don't want to go to any married if the idea was to get me jealous went wrong got me angry amd disturbed how stupid people are.

Oh his mother had an stroke and stood 9 days at the hospital. She said he was there for just one day because his brother asked him to and that he stood all the time on his phone. He wasn't really there. Well, when I had a motorcycle accident and broke my ankle and had to decide either I put or not a pin  he  never even called me to know if I was ok. A friend that is personal trainer said me to not put a pin that I could heal with exercises. And I did healed with exercises and I stood alone at the hospital. Not even a text message or call.

Between us here, dear reader.. do ya think that if was I in love to be married to another woman.. would be such a party and jewelry to the wife to be? Compliments from grandma? Daddy paying and proud of my life?

sexta-feira, 25 de agosto de 2017

Why don't ya get a job? Really?

I want to brown bread, queijo minas frescal and Queensberry jam red fruits.. when I had no money in Rio I had that twice a day + wheyprotein

For 3 months in a flat in Botafogo beach full of cockroaches was like a "concil area" pacified old building with policemen on it 30m square

I had a toaster.. my dad denied me a job in Macae on third month living w roaches I went there to ask him a secretary job

he went to the bus station very angry and suly with me said if I were a man he would punch my face and put me to colect his dog shit but

as a woman I should go back to my grandparents home I would never fit in his house or environment what an asshole!! 💩the roaches were nicer

My father is an asshole! I have so many situations he was harsh and unpleasant amd humiliated me that he is a disgusting person 💩💩

cockroaches were funny very like Joe and The Cockroaches they communicate but that's a long story.. they are definable nicer..

yes sometimes the shit cause come to the surface I share it and then I find a way to overcome it..  once he denied me some help for food..

what am asshole.. looking my friends being dads now mine biological get everyday more disgusting see people loving their child..

he is a shit person only good to himself.

Weird day .. I believe my father sent hos mother to call me after ignoring me for almost 4 years to investigate me.. such a weird feeling.  

she ignored me when I needed her the most and now out of no where called me.. to talk but I cannot talk about him.. weird.

If I depended on him to survive I hadn't.. he doesn't nurtured any kind of affection or love for me.. weird fella.. they ignore people there.

Was heavy for me carry his name through life till I understand that I am what I am and I cannot change that but I can love me instead.

people think they can ignore and humiliate others because they are who they are I am not like that.

the Laws that are applied on Lucas are not the same applied on Daphne. Just saying..

quinta-feira, 24 de agosto de 2017


"Give, and it shall be given you: good measure, pressed up, shaken, overflowing, shall be poured out in your bosom: for with what measure ye mete also ye shall be measured." Lucas 6:38

The student should start giving, not asking. Only then will the secret of the overflowing measure be revealed to you.

What does she have to give?

1. her heart
2. her soul
3. her devotion
4. her absolute faith
5. her intelligence
6. her faculties
7. her I

" Dai, e vos será dado: boa medida, recalcada, sacudida, transbordante, será derramada  em vosso regaço; pois com a medida com que medirdes também sereis medidos." Lucas 6:38

O aluno deve começar dando, e não o pedindo. Somente então o segredo da medida transbordante lhe será revelado.

terça-feira, 22 de agosto de 2017

Nuctemeron The Second Hour



Through duality the pisces of the zodiac sing praise to God, the fiery serpents intertwine around the caduceus, and the lightning becomes harmonious.

Mediante a dualidade os peixes do zodíaco entoam louvor a Deus, as serpentes ígneas entrelaçam-se em torno do caduceu, e o relâmpago torna-se harmonioso.

Na Primeira Hora de Apolonio de Tiana, pudemos ver como todas as tensões magnéticas desarmoniosas, incompreendidas e, por conseguinte, desgovernadas, que se manifestam no microcosmo, poderão ser conduzidas à unidade pelo discipulado gnóstico. Elas perdem suas características negativas de maldade e ira e põem-se completamente a serviço do candidato aos mistérios gnósticos.

Cada tensão magnética com que o ser aural do homem se encontra sobrecarregado foi e é causada por determinada ação, em um período de vida de uma das personalidades que viveram no microcosmo. Quando todas essas tensões magnéticas - livres de maldade e ira e de suas reações eventuais - se colocam a serviço do ser humano que está vivendo atualmente no microcosmo, verifica-se a liberação de um imenso tesouro de experiências, de purificação e de conhecimentos, que torna cada candidato mil vezes mais forte do que seria explicável pelo estado de vida comum.

À Primeira Hora ajusta-se agora a Segunda Hora:

Mediante a dualidade, os pisces do zodíaco entoam louvor a Deus, as serpentes ígneas entrelaçam-se em torno do caduceu, e o relâmpago torna-se harmonioso.

Para poderes compreender essas palavras, deveis ter bem presente que a Primeira Hora quis dizer, isto é, que mantendo uma orientação inequívoca e estando sobre o tapete, o candidato consegue o autodomínio e, mediante essa unidade do ser, os demônios no ser perdem a maldade e a ira. Agora, de maneira fundamental, o candidato já não está preso à vida dialética inferior. Ele está livre, então, para poder trilhar a senda. Essa liberdade fundamental somente é possível com base na já mencionada transformação do demônio no ser humano: o subtrair-se da garra caótica das tensões magnéticas, e a ordenação e transformação resultantes.

Tão logo um alumo se tenha libertado dessa garra, ele é confrontado de maneira direta com o campo astral onde vive, com o campo de seu nascimento sidereal, em suma, com o grande campo de vida astral da dialética, pois a oposição não deve ser vencida e ultrapassada somente no próprio microcosmo, mas também no grande mundo, onde vivem o microcosmo e a personalidade.

Nesse campo de vida sideral, com os éons aí dominantes, manifesta-se a força da dualidade, as influências das forças gêmeas da natureza, devido âs quais tudo na natureza visível é impelido para seu oposto, o que esclarece amplamente o jogo da alternância contínua da dialética.

É uma lei natural vigente no campo de nascimento sideral que quando alguém principia com alegria e entusiasmo, em dado momyé tomado e dominado pelo pessimismo e pela tristeza. Não é sem razão - ao contrário - que isso acontece: toda uma série de fenômenos no grande jogodas alternâncias dá motivo para isso em abundância. Assim, alternam-se continuamente. e em todos os aspectos, a crença e a descrença, a certeza e a dúvida, a luz e as trevas.

terça-feira, 15 de agosto de 2017


Madonna is the contemporany muse of Aphrodite for me. So if I had a golden apple to present my favorite woman from all the beauties in the world yes, Madonna gets the Golden Apple.

domingo, 13 de agosto de 2017

To The Man Who Sold The World

Father's Day in Brasil goes to my Grandad

My grandpa took care of me since I was two years old. And I just remembered what my biological father said 20 days afrer my mother's funeral when he finally came to make a visit to my grandparents with his wife/business partner, he said to my grandparents: " -Margot, took advantage of all the men she got involved."

My mother worked in 3 jobs to sustain a family and he well, he couldn't hold one in. Due to his "bad habits". And he had the courage to say that about her. My brother's father used to hit her, beating her in front of my grandma that took her back from Santos (the city they lived in SP) to Belo Horizonte. And I believe my brpther is agressive with me also due to his dad that gave him the "good exempe".

So he, my father that never was charged in Alimony to sustain me or even help my mother, he never payed a percentage of what he should and say those things. He used to humiliate me saying that I don't belong to his Status Quo. That I don't belong to his social environment. He is sort of a classy businessman wealthy and he never gave me any support  as a provider he should have been by the Law. And I am a girl. Usually dads have this humiliating behavior with male sons. But nop, my biological father believes I am less person than he is, and I cannot understand how can you put a child on this world to treat them badly, to humiliate, to ignore, to pretend they are not part of your existence, to not teach them how to be happy.. teach tehm that the purpose in life is not just keep yourself alive and support your own self. Is to be happy and enjpy every moment you can.. love and share love. He is wealthy have business companies. He have pleasure in treat me bad. So if I could today I would give him some sperm (of a man with a good nature) in a bottle and say: Well, now I owe you nothing. You gave my mom sperm, I'm giving it back to you.