quinta-feira, 24 de outubro de 2013

Universal Forgiveness

It's hard to beat a person that never gives up.
And if you did no commit any mistake, you are not trying something new, you are stuck.
I've done mistakes, not proud of it, but it was in a struggle.
Never took advantage of someone, or situations to get lucky, to earn money or prestigious.
Never sold my body, never had sex for money, never sold drugs or documents.

I'm also not good in making money.
I don't like competitions especially love ones
I don't eat meat, I don't drink I don't use drugs.

I've seen the world as it is, I was young 20 years old in London, 20 days before travel my mom died.
I was depressed and lost. I wanted to go out of the country to be gay. It's hard when you are raised by your grand parents.

I just want to be a lesbian, and make romance, without people interfering.

All I have is my body, and I treat it very well.

If you forgive me, I will considerer that the Universal Forgiveness

Because, I don't care about anyone else, but you.