quarta-feira, 16 de outubro de 2013

Why I stop eating meat

For six years I've been a vegetarian without eating any kind of animals.
First it starts beacuse I couldn't stand blood anymore. 
Blood for me is something sacred. The relation with blood is very close. .
I like animals and they have their life too, their own emotions.
And I had an interest for someone and she was HIV positive. 
And to think about having a relationship with someone like this can be a lifeproof. 
We did not stay together but I decided never eat meat again.
Then fish, fish have eyes, and all animals in the ocean too. 
That starts to feel that they have soul, and feelings, also.
Even the salmon people like eating in japanese food, they travel back from the ocean to have their eggs in the same river they where born. 
Helped a lot too, and that's the crazy part of the story, I split up with one close friend, and she was from the sign of fish. So everytime I remembered her I used to have a pain in my solar plex, got disgusted, and nauseated. So that's was how fish went out. And shrimp lobster etc, I was living in Rio and it was my first week in the Movie Producer I used to work. A friend of mine, she was scorpio, she died of a heartattack, I was shocked, she was 30 years old. So next day, my boss invited me to eat in a sushi place. I went to, I keep remembering her, and I felt her presence in the dead meat of shrimp in front of me. By my spiritual orientation and studies, when a person convened to goes, God calls, they must go. I did not want to imagined that she will roll around dead meat and people would eat and have a connection with her.

So I tried but body, repels, and according to the religion I was born and all that I was feeling and experiencing, the right thing to do was not to eat it anymore. Was a matter of health care and spiritual.

Well, my body changed also, the smell of skin, my sweat, my pee. I'm already an agressive person, it softened. My thoughts even my soul. I feel my body and blood more pure, also.

Lighter the better - animals have the right to live their lifes even if it is simple, and with their equals.