sexta-feira, 22 de novembro de 2013

Another reason I don't eat meat

I was living in Rio de Janeiro with and old lady, I rented a room for one month, in Gavea.
She lost two people of her family there, her mother and her uncle died from Aids, and she took care of both.
It was a nice place very well located so I decided to stay there.
She said she was cardecist and that she could read the fortune in the deck.
First night there at 4.44 at dawn, I feel this man wanting to chat with me. I was participating intensively of a meditation group, was already a vegetarian for about 5 years and I knew my channel is open to this things, but always say to them - I don't do that kind of things, go to the light...
Well I was trying all my meditation mantras and imagine me burning in fire, under water, even a crystal pyramid around my body to protect me.
During the next day, I was having weird and unusual suggestions to eat and everything, like eat the empadinha de camarão, eat the sanduiche with ham, etc. I was thinking OMG I'm a veggie for 5 years I do not do this kind of things, these desires are not mine!! I don't believe the dead is following me around!

So that day during dawn at 4.44 I woke up again and the same presence wanting to talk. I said - Oh come on please let me sleep. I really do want to talk, please. And tried all the processes I knew all over again.
Well, next day morning I talked to the old lady and told her about it. She said she would arrenge things.
When I came back from work that day, she said she talked to him and I would never be botter again. And so it was.

I realised that dead people can connect to dead food, and are also trying to influence our decisions to do their ways ...