Weird dream my father pulled a small boat with me on it said I have no car Then he left me in huge room without light an food I was starving.
I woke up sweating again in cold - I saw how mean he is because his wife apeared in the end and they were having sex. And not talking to me.
They ignore me like in real life. I saw that clearly. Funny thing is I can see that clearly.
And I'm really hungry yaaaaaay - Just had my whey protein
Oh I feel complete without them Funny thing is even when he got married with this woman I discovered years later They hide shit, I can smell.
But the truth always apear like the sun like the light like the rain tundering through everything let it rain.
When u are used to humiliation when you wake from the floor even if you don't want to, people fall around 'cause they are used to step on U.
So I'm in that part that I was in a lot of pain for years and I realised that people are used to step on me and my dignity.
Believe me, the truth will apear.
And now I woke up to get what is mine by law - the human law - and live my life freely with my own decisions.
They have their automatic way to avoid me - the law must say then what is right. I'm a leo and I'm a fighter. Don't fuck my head.
And probably the prozac I was taking could be the responsible for the collapse I had. I've never had that before. I was taking it for PMS.
I really feel the Club was the only connnection I used to have with him, and now is OVER.
My grandfather is a founder member of Minas Tenis Clube and I ordered the exclusion of my father's quota to be add at my grandfather.'s quote.
My grandfather is a founding member, is redeemed and don't pay tuition. Now besides being a member forever I do not have to pay anything to be so.
This was the only link I used to have with my father. Now have nothing with him, but business to talk about, the pension he never paid, food, clothes, bills, water, light, energy, structure - to not mention the emotional part that he avoid like the devil avoids crucifix. So he decided insted of giving me his hand and shoulder the law.
I will do the same.
Right now he is with his wife in France and she is probably using my gramma's fur coat that neither me or his sister wanted and she thinks that she is the most lucky one. Hey I hope PETA finds it and spray that taky coat. Animals have rights too. It is not elegant. NON CHIC