Fatores que influenciam nosso microcosmo
Primeiro fator
Nós nascemos com as influencias de nossos corpos: astral, mental, físico e etérico. Mais as nossas influências genéticas e familiares. E as experiências vividas quando somos formados até o nascimento e depois pelo ambiente e a atmosfera ao nosso redor. Depois somos influenciados pelo meio e pelas companhias e em seguida por nossas decisões.
Factors that influence our microcosm
First factor
We are born with the influences of our bodies: astral, mental, physical and etheric. Most of our genetic and family influences. And when the experiences are formed until birth and then by the environment and the atmosphere around us. After we are influenced by the environment and by companies and then by our decisions.
Segundo fator
Coleção de outros seres e seu eletromagnetismo - a esfera refletora e todo o processo que lá ocorre de morte do corpo astral e do corpo etérico e os seres que lá habitam, desencarnados; também podem influenciar o eletromagnetismo do nosso microcosmo.
Terceiro fator
O ser ao nosso lado vizinho o Ser Aural pelo magnético sistema dos 12 eóns. Cada microcosmos possui doze eós representados pela figura como as estrelas dentro do campo de força electromagnético individual. Cada éon é representado por uma constelação zodiacal que presenta um símbolo. Leão, Virgem, Libra, Escorpião etc. Somos todos influenciados por cada uma dessas constelações por sua porta de entrada em nosso campo de força pessoal correspondente a uma parte do corpo como vimos na primeira palestra.
Cada pessoa possui um campo de força electromagnético (firmamento pessoal) único e assim sendo uma forma única e pessoal de assimilar, trocar, transformar, transfigurar energia. Cada ser possui sua própria e específica fórmula alquímica de assimilar, absorver e trocar energia. (Ponto de intuição) - Cada ser possui um organismo próprio com suas reações químicas individuais que se relacionam com a atmosfera que vive, com a comida, o que o nutre, como dorme, o que ingere, como se medica, como se alivia, como cuida de si e suas relações com os outros. Tudo isso é refletido no sangue. Seu sangue sofre uma constante mudança quando este percebe essas influencias e se abre para a influência do décimo terceiro eón que se encontra fora do sistema conhecido. Esse décimo terceiro eón é o eón Gnóstico, de onde vem o ser original divino de vestes douradas revestindo o espírito santo.
Second factor
Collection of other beings and their electromagnetism - the reflecting sphere and the whole process that occurs beyond death the astral body and the etheric body and the beings that live there , disembodied , can also influence the electromagnetism of our microcosm.
Third factor
Being our next door neighbor Aural Being the magnetic system of 12 eons . Each microcosm has twelve EOS represented by the figure as the stars within the field of individual electromagnetic force. Each eon is represented by a zodiacal constellation that presents a symbol . Leo, Virgo , Libra , Scorpio etc. . We are all influenced by each of these constellations by your entryway in our field corresponding to a body part personal strength as we saw in the first lecture .
Each person has a unique field and therefore a unique and personal way to assimilate , change , transform, transfigure energy electromagnetic force ( personal firmament ) . Every being has its own specific alchemical formula to assimilate , absorb and exchange energy . Point ( intuition ) - Each being has a body with its own individual chemical reactions that relate to the atmosphere that lives with the food , which nourishes , like sleep, what you eat , as doctors , as it relieves how to take care of themselves and their relationships with others . All this is reflected in the blood . His blood undergoes constant change when it perceives these influences and opens to the influence of the thirteenth aeon that is outside of the known system . This is the thirteenth aeon aeon Gnostic , hence the original divine being of golden robes covering the holy spirit .
O Ser Aural é o ser que possui todas as experiências do nosso Microsmo que é a nossa centelha eterna. Ele possui as informações necessarias de conhecimento de pontos de intuição. Entretanto ele pertence a natureza terrena e se torna o opositor do buscador que inicia um caminho espiritual. Ele é a consciencia que o faz sempre retornar a natureza terrena, ou como dizemos cair em ciclos viciosos. Para que o buscador consiga realizar seu caminho espiritual ele deve vencer seu opositor e transfigurá-lo através da energia vinda do décimo terceiro eón, a Gnosis. Assim esse opositor consciente passar a codificar os signos verdadeiros e a indicar o caminho certo da região da pura luz, libertando-se dos pensamentos e habitos viciosos desta natureza terrena para escolhas mais puras e divinais que permitirão a entrada da energia gnóstica do décimo terceiro eón que é extremamente sutil, sua cor não faz parte das sete cores aurais, a cor dessa energia é dourada. Esse décimo terceiro eón faz uma nova entrada e causa uma ruptura, uma brecha no chakra do coração aonde se situa o microsmo. É lá no lugar mais sutil do ser que ocorre a mudança fundamental, a transfiguração do ser.
The Aural Being is the being who has all the experiences of our Microsmo that is our eternal spark. He has the necessary information to knowledge points of intuition. However it belongs to your earthly nature and becomes the opponent 's search engine that initiates a spiritual path . It is the consciousness that always makes you return to earthly nature , or as we say fall into vicious cycles . For the seeker can realize his spiritual path he must beat his opponent and transfigure it through the energy coming from the thirteenth aeon , the Gnosis . So this conscientious objector pass encode the true signs and indicate the right path of the pure light region , freeing yourself of thoughts and vicious habits of this earthly nature to most pure and heavenly choices that allow energy intake Gnostic the thirteenth aeon that is extremely subtle , his color is not part of the seven aural colors , the color of this energy is golden . This thirteenth aeon is a new entry and causes a break , a break in the heart chakra where the microsmo lies . Is there more subtle in place unless a fundamental change occurs , the transfiguration of being.
The Aural Being is the being who has all the experiences of our Microsmo that is our eternal spark. He has the necessary information to knowledge points of intuition. However it belongs to your earthly nature and becomes the opponent 's search engine that initiates a spiritual path . It is the consciousness that always makes you return to earthly nature , or as we say fall into vicious cycles . For the seeker can realize his spiritual path he must beat his opponent and transfigure it through the energy coming from the thirteenth aeon , the Gnosis . So this conscientious objector pass encode the true signs and indicate the right path of the pure light region , freeing yourself of thoughts and vicious habits of this earthly nature to most pure and heavenly choices that allow energy intake Gnostic the thirteenth aeon that is extremely subtle , his color is not part of the seven aural colors , the color of this energy is golden . This thirteenth aeon is a new entry and causes a break , a break in the heart chakra where the microsmo lies . Is there more subtle in place unless a fundamental change occurs , the transfiguration of being.
A energia luminosa vem de cada um dos doze eóns da cor branca e ao entrar em nosso campo de força, que é revestido pelos sete raios de cores, a energia que passa adota uma cor nova por ter sido influenciada pelo nosso aspecto pessoal.
Light energy comes from each of the twelve aeons of white color and enter our force field that is covered by the seven rays of color, energy going adopts a new color to have been influenced by our personal appearance.
Light energy comes from each of the twelve aeons of white color and enter our force field that is covered by the seven rays of color, energy going adopts a new color to have been influenced by our personal appearance.
A figura mostra o feixe de energia sendo influenciado pelo campo de força pessoal.
The figure shows the beam energy being influenced by personal force field.
The figure shows the beam energy being influenced by personal force field.
O Ser Aural que codifica toda e qualquer informação, emoção, pensamento e sentimento.
Nosso relacionamento com a vida e o mundo.
Sete anéis de luz, sete regiões cósmicas. Apenas o sétimo está ativo.
A luz entra e se transforma.
Influências inaladas através da atmosfera
Doze portas de entrada - doze eóns
Vou refletir um campo de respiração de acordo com a minha fórmula.
Ondas eletromagnéticas entram e saem, marcam, eletrizando a esfera pessoal.
Influencia da terra, do sol, das pessoas.
The Aural Being encoding any information, emotion, thought and feeling.
Our relationship with life and the world.
Seven rings of light seven cosmic regions. Only the seventh is active.
Light enters and turns.
Influence of inhaled air through
Twelve ports of entry - twelve aeons
I'll reflect a field breath according to my formula.
Electromagnetic waves come in and out, mark, electrifying the personal sphere.
Influence of the earth, the sun, people.
The Aural Being encoding any information, emotion, thought and feeling.
Our relationship with life and the world.
Seven rings of light seven cosmic regions. Only the seventh is active.
Light enters and turns.
Influence of inhaled air through
Twelve ports of entry - twelve aeons
I'll reflect a field breath according to my formula.
Electromagnetic waves come in and out, mark, electrifying the personal sphere.
Influence of the earth, the sun, people.
Todos os fatores que influenciam o Ser Aural. O raio da nossa aura é de dois metros ao nosso redor e o nosso microcosmo cujo centro é o coração de cada ser possui 16 metros de diâmetro.
Cosmos (planetas, os astros, o Sol, as constelações, etc) energia cósmica
A terra com a energia telúrica, e toda a sua atmosfera, natureza, elementos terra fogo água ar éters, etc.
Todo o nosso ciclo de reencarnações e familia, ciclo consanguíneo, samsara, nossas experiencias passadas, karma, darma, etc.
E a energia das pessoas que habitam contemporaneamente conosco, e mesmo os seres já desencarnados, também possuem energia e também influenciam o nosso microcosmos.
All factors influencing Being Aural. The radius of our aura is two meters around us and our microcosm whose center is the heart of every being has 16 meters in diameter.
Cosmos (planets, stars, the sun, constellations, etc.) cosmic energy
The earth with earth energy, and all his atmosphere, nature, elements earth air fire water ethers, etc..
Our entire cycle of reincarnations and family, inbred cycle, samsara, our past experiences, karma, dharma, etc..
And the energy of the people living contemporaneously with us, and even now disembodied beings, also have power and also influence our microcosms.
Twelve pairs of nerves pineal
Being aural is the suite of related information - personal formulas, like little notes, post it we send ourselves through own experiences, from serving, what worked, what did not, what we like, etc.. What composes us as earthly beings.
The Aural Being immortal is a simple atom, always the same.
Serpentine Fire spinal injecting the formula in our being when we are born and the formula will be modified according to the records we experience.
From us and outside us.
Cooperation of Being Aural (receives a new order of influence) want to search out changing the structure of the opposition system. Being Aural changes and is recreated a new Aural Being connected to the seventh and the sixth longing for light.
All factors influencing Being Aural. The radius of our aura is two meters around us and our microcosm whose center is the heart of every being has 16 meters in diameter.
Cosmos (planets, stars, the sun, constellations, etc.) cosmic energy
The earth with earth energy, and all his atmosphere, nature, elements earth air fire water ethers, etc..
Our entire cycle of reincarnations and family, inbred cycle, samsara, our past experiences, karma, dharma, etc..
And the energy of the people living contemporaneously with us, and even now disembodied beings, also have power and also influence our microcosms.
Doze pares de nervos pineais
Ser aural é o conjuto de informações - fórmulas pessoais, como se fossem bilhetinhos, post it que mandamos a nós mesmos através de experiências próprias, do que serve, do que deu certo, do que não deu, do que gostamos, etc. O que nos compõe como seres terrenos.
O Ser Aural é imortal um simples átomo, sempre o mesmo.
O fogo serpentino espinal que injeta a fórmula em nosso ser quando nascemos e a fórmula vai sendo modificada de acordo com os registros que vivenciamos.
A partir de nós e fora de nós.
Twelve pairs of nerves pineal
Being aural is the suite of related information - personal formulas, like little notes, post it we send ourselves through own experiences, from serving, what worked, what did not, what we like, etc.. What composes us as earthly beings.
The Aural Being immortal is a simple atom, always the same.
Serpentine Fire spinal injecting the formula in our being when we are born and the formula will be modified according to the records we experience.
From us and outside us.
Mapa Astral mostra as portas de entrada das energias de cada eón e o desenho do Ser Aural e do por assim dizer, cemitério de informações cósmicas que se relacionam com o nosso ser.
Astral Map shows the input ports of the energies of each aeon and design of Being Aural and so to speak, cosmic graveyard of information that relate to our being.
Astral Map shows the input ports of the energies of each aeon and design of Being Aural and so to speak, cosmic graveyard of information that relate to our being.
Guardião Umbral
Anjo da Guarda
O desejo de salvação atrái força (anseio)
Causado pelo esgotamento do ser humano por farores emocionais, físicos, de consciencia e de relação com a vida que o deixam numa situação limítrofe em que ele para sobreviver precisa de algo que depois de muito procurar não encontra na natureza terrena. Esse algo é descoberto através de uma experiencia catártica que altera a vida do ser, que causa um desejo de mudança de seu estado atual para um estado de ser divino.
A resposta não passa pelas doze portas solares. Ela faz uma fenda e entra dourada através dos sete aspectos. Transfigura a energia do ser através de um hormonio liberado pelo sangue.
Gnosis. O Ser Aural adquire uma consciencia neutra é como se desse uma marcha ré no trem em pleno movimento.
The two aspects of Being Aural
guardian of the Threshold
Guardian Angel
The desire for salvation draws strength (longing)
Caused by the depletion of the human being through emotional, physical, of consciousness and relationship with life that let a borderline situation where he needs something to survive that after much searching farores not found in earthly nature. That something is discovered through a cathartic experience that changes the life of being, which causes a desire for change from its current state to a state of being divine.
The answer is not by the twelve solar doors. She makes a slit and enters golden through the seven aspects. Transfigures being energy through a hormone released into the blood.
Gnosis. Being Aural acquires a neutral consciousness is like this one in reverse gear train in full motion.
The two aspects of Being Aural
guardian of the Threshold
Guardian Angel
The desire for salvation draws strength (longing)
Caused by the depletion of the human being through emotional, physical, of consciousness and relationship with life that let a borderline situation where he needs something to survive that after much searching farores not found in earthly nature. That something is discovered through a cathartic experience that changes the life of being, which causes a desire for change from its current state to a state of being divine.
The answer is not by the twelve solar doors. She makes a slit and enters golden through the seven aspects. Transfigures being energy through a hormone released into the blood.
Gnosis. Being Aural acquires a neutral consciousness is like this one in reverse gear train in full motion.
Cooperação, do Ser Aural (recebe uma nova ordem de influencia) busca por querer sair mudando a estrutura do sistema opositor. O Ser Aural muda e é recriado um novo Ser Aural ligado ao sétimo e ao sexto anelo de luz.
Cooperation of Being Aural (receives a new order of influence) want to search out changing the structure of the opposition system. Being Aural changes and is recreated a new Aural Being connected to the seventh and the sixth longing for light.
O Ser que realiza a mudança passa a perceber e a receber influencias desse décimo terceiro eón, o eón Gnóstico, divino e dourado. E passa a viver a realidade espiritual na natureza terrena.
E vi um novo Céu e uma nova Terra.
Being that performs the shift shall receive notice and this influences the thirteenth aeon, the aeon Gnostic divine and golden. And begins to live the spiritual reality in earthly nature.
And I saw a new Heaven and a new Earth.
Being that performs the shift shall receive notice and this influences the thirteenth aeon, the aeon Gnostic divine and golden. And begins to live the spiritual reality in earthly nature.
And I saw a new Heaven and a new Earth.