Shamadam recorre ao suborno em sua luta contra Mirdad
Naronda: Durante muitos dias o caso de Rustidion foi o assunto predominante na Arca. Micayon, Micaster e Zomora elogiavam o Mestre com veemência, dizendo Zamora que ele detestava até olhar ou tocar em dinheiro. Bennoon e Abimar aprovaram e desaprovaram sem entusiasmo. Quanto a Himbal, reprovava abertamente, dizendo que o mundo jamais poderia passar sem dinheiro e que a riqueza era a justa recompensa de Deus à economia e à atividade, assim como a pobreza era o evidente castigo de Deus para a indolência e ondesperdício, e que até o fim dos tempos haverá credores e devedores entre os homens.
Entrementes, Shamadam andava ocupadíssimo em restaurar seu prestígio como Superior.
Chamou-me, uma vez, em particular, para falar-me em sua cela, onde me disse o seguinte:
- Tu és o escriba e o hostoriador desta Arca e és filho de um homem pobre. Teu pai não possui terras, mas tem sete filhos e uma esposa, para os quais deve trabalhar e cuidar de que não passem necessidade. Nada deves registrar deste infeliz episódio, pois do contrário os que vierem depois se rirão de Shamadam. Afasta-te desse réprobo Mirdad e farei de teu pai um proprietário, enchendo-lhe os celeiros e o cofre.
Ao que respondi, dizendo que Deus cuidaria de meu pai e de sua família muito melhor do que jamais poderia Shamadam fazê-lo. Quanto a Mirdad, eu considerava-o meu Mestre e libertador e preferia abandonar a vida a abandoná-lo.
E, com referência ao histórico da Arca, eu o faria fielmente - e do melhor modo que pudesse.
Mais tarde, vim a saber que Shamadam fizera a mesma oferta a cada um dos companheiros; com que resultado não poderia dizer. Era de notar-se, porém, que Himbal já não era tão constante em seu comparecimento ao Ninho da Águia.
Lectorium Rosicrucianum
Shamadam resorted to bribery in his fight against Mirdad
Naronda : For many days the event of Rustidion was the predominant issue in the ark . Micayon , Micaster Zomora and praised the Master vehemently Zamora saying he hated to look at or touch money . Bennoon and Abimar approved and disapproved without enthusiasm . As for Himbal openly disapproved , saying the world could never do without money and wealth was the just reward of God to the economy and activity, as well as poverty was evident God's punishment for indolence and ondesperdício , and that until the end of time there will be creditors and debtors among men .
Meanwhile , Shamadam walked very busy in restoring its prestige as Superior .
He called me once , in particular , to speak to me in his cell , where he told me the following :
- You are the scribe and hostoriador this ark and a son of a poor man . Your father has no land but has seven children and a wife , to whom he must work and take care that you do not need to pass . Nothing must register this unfortunate episode , otherwise those who come after will laugh of Shamadam . Get away from that reprobate Mirdad and make your father a homeowner, filling his barns and safe.
To which I replied , saying that God would take care of my father and his family much better than I could ever do it Shamadam . As for Mirdad , I considered it my Master and liberating abandon life and preferred to leave it .
And , with reference to the history of the Ark , I would faithfully - and the best way he could.
Later , I learned that Shamadam made the same offer to each of the companions, with what result could not tell . It was to be noted , however, that Himbal was not so constant in his attendance at the Eyrie.
Lectorium Rosicrucianum
Shamadam resorted to bribery in his fight against Mirdad
Naronda : For many days the event of Rustidion was the predominant issue in the ark . Micayon , Micaster Zomora and praised the Master vehemently Zamora saying he hated to look at or touch money . Bennoon and Abimar approved and disapproved without enthusiasm . As for Himbal openly disapproved , saying the world could never do without money and wealth was the just reward of God to the economy and activity, as well as poverty was evident God's punishment for indolence and ondesperdício , and that until the end of time there will be creditors and debtors among men .
Meanwhile , Shamadam walked very busy in restoring its prestige as Superior .
He called me once , in particular , to speak to me in his cell , where he told me the following :
- You are the scribe and hostoriador this ark and a son of a poor man . Your father has no land but has seven children and a wife , to whom he must work and take care that you do not need to pass . Nothing must register this unfortunate episode , otherwise those who come after will laugh of Shamadam . Get away from that reprobate Mirdad and make your father a homeowner, filling his barns and safe.
To which I replied , saying that God would take care of my father and his family much better than I could ever do it Shamadam . As for Mirdad , I considered it my Master and liberating abandon life and preferred to leave it .
And , with reference to the history of the Ark , I would faithfully - and the best way he could.
Later , I learned that Shamadam made the same offer to each of the companions, with what result could not tell . It was to be noted , however, that Himbal was not so constant in his attendance at the Eyrie.