Next week I start an Ortomolecular treatment. It clears the Aura and the blood. Some people as blood relatives can influenciate on us through blood, sucking out our energy. This treatment alows us to talk to someone speciallized in read the Aura. We say all that bothers us, people, circunstances etc and a treatment is provided wich includes the right food for your bloodtype and the floral, suplements and natural medicine to cut what causes the problems in our Aura. Sometimes we need to cut some people out of our life because we don't agree with their behavior, or because they don't fit in our lifestyle, or because the drag our life energy down (prana), or because we finished a relationship and we really don not want the person around, or people that are injustice with us, or try to manipulare us to get something material or even sex. We detect their intentions and this causes suffering in our soul, in our true self. So this kind of therapy of energy cleans
the Aura. Cleans all the channels of energy.
And I'm also starting therapy, to talk about the traumas and about not having a family structure, besides my grandparents. The abandon when my father left me with my grandpa and also how I really don't like man. I apreciate if I don't give permission, I even blocked this older man and he still bothers me energetically, so this is all to cut off all the suckers. Leave me alone.
The blood is where our soul lives we keep it clean and remove the bad influence from the family (blood relations) and it alows us to control our own energy without the interference of outsiders.
I already start the floral treatment with the therapist from Rosacruz Áurea.
Cut off the bad to not infere at the good and the very best.
My love is mine to spread where I want
Without any interference
And I do not like older man around me. And that's a warning!!