quinta-feira, 30 de janeiro de 2014

The Book of Mirdad

The Book of Mirdad 29

Lectorium Rosicrucianum


Shamadam in vain attempts to regain his companions
Mirdad miraculously returns and gives all the companions except Shamadam, the kiss of faith

Naronda: Winter descended on us abundantly, white and cheek. The mountains, silent in breathless, were shrouded in snow. Only the valleys below, showing some pale green spots, and here and there was a ribbon of liquid silver, which slid, snaky, toward the sea.

The seven felt alternately engaged by wave of hope and doubt. Micayon, Micaster and Zamora were inclined to hope that the Master would return as promised. Bennoon, Himbal Abimar and clung to doubt that back. All, however, felt a terrible loneliness and a vexatious futility.

The Ark was cold, dreary and inhospitable. A cold silence hung in the air, as if shedding its walls, defying the tireless efforts of Shamadam to give it life and warmth. Since Mirdad carried out, Shamadam tried to drown us with his goodness. Offered us the best food and the best wine, but the food there was not meat, and the wine did not stimulate. Much wood and coal burning, but the fire is not warming. He appeared very gentle and affectionate, but his kindness and affection drove them away from becoming his.

For a long time, avoided talking in Mestre. After all, opened his heart and said:

Shamadam: You judge me wrong, my teammates, if they think they do not like Mirdad. I regret wholeheartedly.

Mirdad may not be a bad man, but is a dangerous visionary, and his doctrine is completely impractical and false in this world of facts and inflexible practices. He and those who onaeguirem have a tragic end in his first encounter with the harsh reality. I'm absolutely sure of it, and I want to save my fellow such a catastrophe.
Mirdad can have a clever tongue, inspired by the thoughtlessness of youth, but his heart is blind, stubborn and wicked, while I have the fear of the true God in the heart and experience of years to give my judgment weight and authority.

Who could have directed the Ark, for so many years, better than I? I have not lived with you so long, and for you both brother as a father? Do not have our minds been blessed with peace, and our hands, the overflow? Why let a stranger come to demolish what took so long to build, sow distrust dictated by the trust, and fight where reigned peace?

It's complete madness, my teammates, drop the bird that is on hand for ten that are flying. Mirdad wanted to make you leave this ark for so long that you harbored and kept close to God, giving you everything that a mortal could want and keeping you safe on the sidelines of the turmoil and agony of the world. That you promised him in return? Sufferings, disappointments and poverty with an endless struggle - and many worse things that is what you promised.
Promised you an ark in the air, in the vastness of nothing - a crazy dream - Child Costume - a sweet impossibility. Is he, by chance, wiser than Father Noah's Ark-founder of the Mother? It hurts me to see you give attention to their madness.

I have sinned against Noah and their sacred traditions, when I called, Contrs Mirdad, to the strong arm of my friend, the Prince of Bethar but had the heart to care for your welfare, and this alone would justify my disobedience. Would have saved you and save the Ark before it was too late. God was with me, and I rescued you.

Rejoice with me, fellas, and I will thank the Lord for having spared us the ignominy of seeing with our sinful eyes, the destruction of our Noah. I, for one, would not survive this shame.

Now, however, I dedicate myself again to the service of the God of Noah and his Ark, and your service, my dear fellow. Happy thirsty as before, that my happiness is complete in you.

Naronda: Shamadam wept as he spoke these words, and caused worth your tears, for she felt lonely, because they found no effect on our eyes or our hearts.

One morning, when the sun began to show up on top of the mountain, after having been besieged, enough time for a wet and cold atmosfers, Zamora took sia harp and began to sing.


The song is icy cold lips on my harp.
And frozen is the dream
In frozen heart of my harp

Where is encouragement that degelará your song, O my harp?
Where is the hand that will save the dream
O my harp? -
In prison Bethar.

Wind beggar, goes and asks for me
A song to the chains,
In prison Bethar
Radius of shifty sun goes and steals for me
A dream of chains
In prisãode Bethar

The wings were open my eagle in the sky,
And underneath them I was king.
Now I'm just a stranger and orphan.
And the owl dominates the sky,
For my eagle flew to a distant nest:
To prison Bethar.

Naronda: A tear dropped from the eye of Zamora, and his hands fell properties. His head lolled on the harp. This tear put into action our repressed sadness and comportad opened our eyes.

Micayon put himself up to his feet and cried: "I'm choking", opened the door and stepped out into the open air. Zamora, Micaster and I followed him to the Parian, to the gate of our external enclosure, beyond which was not allowed to pass companions. Micayon pulled the heavy bolt with a strong jerk, opened the gate wide and came out like a tiger that escapes from the cage. The other three followed Micayon.

The sun was warm and bright, and its rays, reflected by the ice snow almost blinding. Mountains stripped of trees and snow-capped waved in front of us as far as the eye could see and looked burned in an orgy of light. All around, reigned a profound silence that seemed to bother the ears, only snow, which broke beneath our feet, broke that loneliness. The air, though cold, so caressed in the lungs that felt like we penetrate them without effort on our part.

Even the provision of Micayon changed when he stopped to exclaim: "How good can breathe Oh, just breathe." In fact, it seemed that was the first time I felt the joy of breathing freely and that would understand the meaning of breathing.

We had walked a bit when Micaster spotted a dark object in a distant elevation. Some thought being a lone wolf, others supposed to be a clean stone snow by the wind, but the objetomovia in our direction and dicidimos walking towards him. Increasingly he approached and increasingly assumed a human appearance. Suddenly Micayon took a giant leap forward, screaming while jumping: "Is he is he!"

And he was - with his graceful gait, his upright attitude, with the noble head up. The soft wind waved his baggy clothes and shook her long hair. The sun gave it a pinkish hue to the amber-brown face, but his dark eyes sparkled and dreamy as ever, and sent waves of confident serenity and love triumphant. The delicate feet, protected by wooden sandals, were kissed by dew, which left the pink from the cold.

Micayon was the first to go to meet her, threw herself at his feet. Crying and laughing, as someone who is delirious, exclaimed: "Now my soul returned to her body."

The other three did likewise, but the Master lifted them one by one, embracing them with infinite tenderness, while saying:
Mirdad: Receive the kiss of faith. From now on, you dormireis believing and believing awakening; doubt will do now nest in your pillow or paralyze you feet with hesitation.

Naronda: The four who remained in the Ark, seeing the Master at the door, at first deemed it an appearance and were very frightened. But when greeted them each by name, and heard his voice, rushed at his feet, except Shamadam, who was glued to his chair. The Master spoke and acted with the three as he had spoken and acted with four.

Shamadam looked pale and trembled from head to foot. His pallor increased cad once more, his lips twisted up, and hands seeking something in the belt. Suddenly slipped from the chair and, crawling, arrived at the place where the Master was standing, wrapped his arms around the feet of Mirdad and said, convulsively, with his face to the ground: "I also believe." The Master did get up too, but not kiss him, and told him:

Mirdad: It is fear that shakes the body Shamadam and forces his tongue to say: "I also believe."
Shamadam shakes and bends before the "magic" that took Mirdad the Abyss and Black Prison Bethar. And Shamadam fears reprisal. Your mind be at ease about it, so you can turn the hearts toward the true faith.

Faith is born of a wave of fear is only the foam of fear; rises and disappears with fear.
True faith does not flourish unless the stem of Love. Its fruit is the Understanding. If you fear God, you do not believe in God.

Shamadam: (moving away, always with an eye to the ground) Shamadam is wretched and an exile in his own home. Allow me to finally be your slave for a day and bring you some meat and some warm clothes. You must be very hungry and very cold.

Mirdad: meat I do not know that kitchens and heat that is not borrowed from spun wool or tongues of fire. It is good for Shamadam armazenasse over my flesh and my heat, and less of other groceries and fuel.
Behold! The sea came to spend the winter in the heights, and the heights they feel glad that they use sea ice as a cover. And the heights feel that tes on its cover.

Also the sea feels glad and delighted quiet rest on high, but only for awhile because the spring will come, and ma, like a snake hibernates, will unfold require-mortgaged their freedom. Again run from shore to shore and novemente will rise into the air and the sky and rain will wander where it pleases you.

But there are men like you, Shamadam, whose life is a constant and a perennial winter hibernation. Are those who have not received the enchantment of spring. See! Mirdad is a charming, Mirdad is an enchantment of life and not a death spell. How long, though, you'll be hibernating?

Believes, Shamadam, that life which men live and die that death is only a Hibernate. I come to awaken men from their slumber and call it their caves and dens to their freedom of life without death. Believes, for your sake, not for mine.

Naronda: Shamadam stood still and did not say a word. Bennoon whispered to me to ask how the Master had escaped from prison Bethar, but the language did not follow me to the question, however, was soon adivinhasa the Master.

Mirdad: The arrest of Bethar is no longer a prison, became a hermitage. The Prince of Bethar is no longer a prince. He is, today, a hopeful pilgrim like you. Even a prison Bennoon, can be transformed into a shining beacon. Even a proud prince can be taken to lay his crown before the crown of truth, and even chains, creaky, can come to play heavenly music. Nothing is miracle for Holy Understanding, which is the only miracle.

Naronda: The Master's words concerning the abdication of Prince Bethar fell like a thunderbolt on Shamadam and, to our dismay, he was arrested subiramente seizures so strange and so violent that seriously fear for his life. After all, the seizures ended with syncope, and gave us a lot of work before we got to do it back to you.