quinta-feira, 20 de fevereiro de 2014

Tenderness Map - Sketch

The Sketch of Tenderness Map

Using the tools dailly I could draw many sketches.

I already have one that I adore the most.
It is not difficult to see but took almost a year to make it simple.
And I know it is going to change a few details during the way.
But dailly I lapidate the map. As it is been written in a rock, in a emerald.
I found also a craft that will sharp my intuition, and my draw skills.

Well I dig inside my soul to search an unique habily that I can develop, wich is between me and my goal.
My treasure.
It came spontaneously.

All happen at the same time. All skills are being developed.
But this new one is genuinally pure.

Hands busy drawing
Head foccused on work in precision, dailly
One step, one work, one word, a verse and one gesture in the way

I found it like someone one that is looking for water and find a precious stone, inside the river.

Was going for love and love opened this unique special door for me.

Love also said: You won't lose your other skills trying to develop a genuine one, it will increase all of them as a joint.

As detailed mechanism works the divine path, scaring and enchantment comes from its simplicity.

It will make sense when you start to draw the treasure at the right materiial, with the correct feeling, with your own hands. Producing.

And drawing the map I found another person from my Octave.
Beside the force field I'm in.

Dailly I draw a sketch - virtuous.
Analysing details, compromising myself with the result.
Love is not theoric is a way of being

My very creative soul finds peace and travels milles oceans desires timelless and unbreakable

The only way I know is to LOVE and carry you around in my heart. As you are the light I see, and give me right solutions to any kind of situations I no longer see other way than love you completely. As the holy energy that passes through your soul and skin are also a divine light and you are a self that connects me to God. in someway my soul connects God through you