terça-feira, 1 de outubro de 2013

Laugh and Laugh

When we know someone , the more complicated it is to hit the games . Tune the mood. Laugh and laugh.
It is only through laughter that we confess .
It is only by the laughter we got to the room.
It is only through laughter that overcame previous experiences .
Venture to say that humor is our true nakedness. It's really when we expose our prejudices and frailties .
No use being nice , beautiful , intelligent , poetic , romantic, depend on the complicity of grace .
Without tuning the jokes , the couple that is forming will not overcome the quarrels and differences in the future. Couple longevity is laughing their problems , and not turn into epics hassles . Mature and forgiving is what follows .
Laughter is the gateway to the whole relationship . Becomes the tricky part of the approach .
Start a story means to know the pain of another during the purest joy. Be excited and inadvertently cutucará a scar .
What may seem natural to you may be in poor taste to it, which may sound spontaneous to her can be aggressive towards you .
We can not stop , but can not hurt. We can not censor , but we can not hurt for nothing .
Need to loosen up, but retaining the prevention she does not live in your head and not become accustomed to your voice , its irony , its preferences .
The game encourages intimacy. Approaches . Hasten the hug . Only it can also trigger misunderstanding and annoyance .
The care increases with the intensity of the relationship : the more dependent a more vulnerable in the words .
You have to learn to play, and most importantly, what can not play.
This is the password : we can not play with everything.
In play , desvenderá what is serious and should keep away .
Does a trauma , will be a habit , it will be a conviction .
She will say you do not like , and do not insist . Do not come back to the subject . Do not seek to correct proving that her belief is insignificant .
There is a territory of female thinking where you can not mock or underestimate , is a memory with electric fence , no one enters or herself.

Every woman who loves to laugh , but what he loves most is who discovers that deserves respect .

Fabricio Carpinejar