domingo, 13 de outubro de 2013

The Golden Match

This soul mix her scent with mine
I believe she is an ancient alchemist 
Everything she touches become gold

It is a magic connection 
I thought I was good in detect talent in others
And that was my talent

Well, this soul came direct my path
She takes my love and transform it my uncdercover talent
I did now i had, to use

She brings out all my courage and my best
Through my real desires and inpiration
By my breath and whisper

I decided to turn my back to this world that never understood me
My guiding star show me the way of expression
And I realise I don't need nothing but this 

The decision of being a spiritual human being I was born with
I have never been suit to the patterns EVER
I decided live the simple life

And my love starts to grow strong 
First in the human exisence, after in the nature existence
And then in other levels, sphers and elevations - just like the Sun

Beyond the known 
Further than ever experienced
Purer and clear connection 

I read the poetry of the cosmos
Listen the music of the other sphers
The real art that is in my microcosmos , my body, my soul, my soul mate, my lover

Love is also the perception of this mecanism so sutil
As an orchesthra, so elemental and reharsed, improvised, so perfect
So match

For this existence LOVE is an mecanism 
As long you purify your habbits, your way of living
More tuneful you are with the superior meaning

That's the alchemy - find your star
Follow your heart
Purify the chemestry in body