Fazendo sem fazer
A relação do homem com o tempo. Como que o presente se manifesta em nossa experiência cotidiana. A modernidade teve que deixar o presente leve, deixando o passado para trás, se superando para não atrasar o futuro.
A contemporaneidade e’ uma reconsideração de projetos modernos, Groys, afirma que vivemos num tempo de indecisão e de adiamento.
A dinâmica temporal contemporânea se baseia na dinâmica das trocas e econômicas e seus rituais. Produção do gênero artístico contemporâneo de se relacionar com o tempo:Time Based Art – TBA, cuja temática e’ o tempo não produtivo, a perda da perspectiva histórica infinita geradora do fenômeno da improdutividade, tempo perdido. Baseia-se num loop de informações de atividades que transcorrem no tempo, sem levar a criação de nenhum produto definido, de repetição circular. Exemplo: Song for Lupita, uma animação onde uma mulher derrama água no corpo para o outro varias vezes, sem variação em loop – Fazendo sem fazer. O artista questiona o ser no mundo, onde o fazer define o ritmo do próprio ser. O homem destituído do ócio passa a viver para a fadiga e o trabalho. Toda a espécie humana passara a viver na sombra de seu desejo, fazendo aquilo que não deseja; vivera uma repetição da práxis indiferenciada, em busca de uma suposta salvação para a qual aponta a seta do tempo histórico.
Buscamos o fazer a que se resume nossas vidas, para uma melhoria, um desenvolvimento, um acumulo que se mostra alcançável somente por meio deste encadeamento de fazeres, da práxis indiferenciada. Onde o paraíso se converteu na aposentadoria quando seremos agraciados com o ócio.
A repetição da mulher nos leva a refletir sobre a nossa repetição de ações para manter a roda do sistema girando, devemos nos manter no repetitivo moto práxis que somente simula um deslocamento. Desloca na realidade, somente o ciclo ritualístico do endividamento.
A simulação do desenvolvimento e o circulo ritualístico da divida, quer nos preencher com objetos e valores nas trocas, colocando significado nos significantes – o acumulo que leva ao caráter destrutivo do tempo. A demonstração da expressão do ato de jogar a água de um copo a outro quer mostrar que o nosso fazer não nos leva a lugar nenhum. Que a nossa liberdade de paraíso não vale a repetição do ciclo de endividamento econômico para a recuperação do ócio no fim da vida. A sublimação de nossos desejos finge retirar a nossa culpa por tê-los e a nossa punição e’ trabalhar por eles.
A inoperância cínica
Segundo, Gustave Guillaume, lingüista, a mente humana tem a experiência do tempo, mas não a sua representação e deve por isso recorrer, para representá-lo, a construções de ordem espacial. -Agamben. Na Grécia antiga, era usado o circulo e na era do Cristianismo a seta, a fim de imaginar a linha do tempo, afim também de dominá-lo.
A imagem da circularidade do tempo a aproxima da eternidade remetendo aquilo que permanece idêntico, imutável, a lei do eterno retorno, sendo a expressão mais imediata e mais perfeita, próxima do divino.
O fazer entra em contraste com a ociosidade divina. A perene atividade de realizar a punição dos condenados, a eterna repetição do trabalho, o fazer como ritmo de vida. E a Deus e aos anjos e’ permitida a ociosidade. A simulação de Lupita quer mostrar que a nossa pratica repetitiva nada tem de glorioisa nem de divina, e sim que sua pratica indiferenciada não nos leva a absolutamente nada.
A inoperância cínica e’ a inoperância como projeto de poder. O poder não existe sem sua forma de exercício – pelo contrario – exerce-se ao existir. Para que sua execução seja cumprida criaram-se governos. Os anjos representam os instrumentos do governo divino, e eles são responsáveis por manter a gloria divina e exercer o poder através dela, e isso ocupa e esconde o lugar do ócio; dissimula sua existência uma vez que esta não deve ser assumida.
A imobilidade divina, ou seja a eternidade e’ um fazer sem fazer, um fim sem fim. Aquilo que Deus fazia antes de criar o mundo, oshabat.
Criou então governos para garantir que a gloria seria empregada.
Se a maquina do poder e’ a maquina de produzir governos, a Gloria seria a garantia de funcionamento dessa maquina, uma substituição ao ócio. Ao ponto de ter que manter permanência imutável do retorno circular. O direito ao ócio nos foi destituído através do poder, uma vez que somente o divino pode ser ocioso. Caso os seres percebessem a gloria do ócio haveria a ausência de necessidade do exercício do governo.
Se a circularidade define a economia pelo movimento dar-receber- [endividar-se] – dar – receber ad infinitum , a graça garante a manutenção de tal circulo como a salvação metafísica, enquanto a Gloria encarrega-se de ocupar o lugar do ócio.
Movimento Circular
Amanha, amanha simboliza a eterna postergação.
O retorno do não idêntico, o que cria a diferença o ponto de reinicio do ciclo e’ localizado espacialmente num lugar acima do ponto de partida inicial, o retorno traz consigo um deslocamento. Ele evita entrar na fronteira dos EUA e contorna, evitando o obvio. Fazer-se também uma referencia ao trabalho do escrivão que tinha como dever copiar documentos, o que ele fazia doravante e enfaticamente, porem sem
paixão pelo fato de se tratar repetição. Ele apenas copia, replica.
Ele com o tempo passa a dizer: “Eu preferia não fazê-lo.” E passa viver no escritório o que o leva a absoluta ausência de vida.
Organismo vivo X o mecanismo morto.
O que mantém o loop
Versamentos de connhecimentos – atualização da informação a ser passada.
A permanência e’ uma espécie de imperativo que nos acompanha – vocação > profissão. A ação mantida pela repetição do movimento a manutenção do circulo ritualístico da divida que continua a se retroalimentar.
The Last Clown e a inoperância da inoperância autentica
O encontro, o acidente e o evento. O dialogo da arte contemporânea com o mundo do entretenimento. A gargalhada gravada remete ao que deve ser a nossa reação ao presenciar tal evento. Forjando e induzindo o fenômeno risada. Sem as inserções dos títulos e as gargalhadas o evento seria um trivial acontecimento. Tendo em mente que a repetição oferece o chiste: o circulo que caminha o palhaço reflete esta concepção do nosso tempo mecanicista, a queda ‘e um inesperado, um evento que foge a linearidade. O encontro e’ representado fazendo com que se perca o seu caráter de algo da ordem do inesperado. Ao ser representado por loop ele passar a ser o acidente previsto e não mais a queda. O evento se transforma a partir do loop. Condição paradoxal: inoperância cínica, a serviço do poder, e inoperância autentica. Os eventos, quando remetem a ordem do inesperado, são aquilo que possibilita os encontros reais. Eles estão alem da temporalidade do tempo, da seqüência do previsto.
In Economia
Ao conceito de economia são essenciais as noções de circulação, troca, retroalimentação e retorno que se articulam de maneira fundamental a questão da dádiva. Valores da lei geral x valores da lei de distribuição x valores da lei como repartição – a parte doada ou consignada, a participação. A relação entre a economia e a dádiva ancora-se na figura do circulo. Relação caracterizada pela co-dependência e co-anulação na medida em que a dádiva teria como condição para sua existência a in-economia, ou seja ela seria o que irrompe o circulo, aquilo que não da lugar a troca e que desvia o retorno em uma outra, que não retroalimenta o circulo. Um dom, uma dádiva, para que de fato o seja, não pode ser contra-doado, pago ou retribuído.
Sua condição de existência e’ a mesma que determina sua anulação. Chamado paradoxo do dom.
... por antecipação – temporalizando o tempo – direciona a si uma imagem de bondade e generosidade, aprovando-se em um movimento de gratidão narcisista, onde o sujeito e objeto, o dom seria excluído. Para que exista a dádiva um sujeito jamais pode doar a outro sujeito um objeto. O palhaço tropeçar na calda do cachorro: este evento esta no limiar entre aquilo que deveria nos surpreender, desarticulando um ciclo e o apoderamento da irrupção pela circularidade da práxis indiferenciada transformando-a em algo da ordem do previsível.
A relação entre espaço fechado e extracampo em TBA
A relação especifica entre o tempo e a construção espacial na forma da imagem, na medida em que o tempo e’ a matéria constitutiva das obras, a questão que enfrentam e’ relativa a possibilidade de dar forma ao tempo. Sistema fechado compreende tudo que esta presente na imagem. As obras em TBA sugerem uma ruptura com a noção espacial e com a temporalidade, a obra curto-circuitada. O loop faz perceber o curto-circuito temporal embutido. Quanto mais uma imagem esta fechada reduzida em duas dimensões, mais ela esta apta a se abrir para revelar uma quarta dimensão, o tempo.
Desde o momento em que homem deve obedecer a uma lei que o impede de fecundar seu desejo em ações, ele passa a realizá-las mecanicamente, como obediência ao exercício de poder.
Tendo em mente o paradoxo da inoperância na dicotomia entre a inoperância a serviço de projetos de poder e aquela autentica; podemos ver que irromper o ciclo de trocas que e’ o motor do suposto desenvolvimento. Enquanto o dispositivo gloria, opera num sentido precisamente oposto ao equiparar-se ao ócio para justamente neste movimento, fazer perene o exercício do governo, ainda que ele não se justifique. Ausência que configura presença.
Ócio deve ser praticado de forma criativa e divina para enfim, completar o destino no eterno tempo de revolucioná-lo.
Doing without
Man's relationship with time . How that this manifests itself in our daily experience . Modernity had to leave this light, leaving the past behind , if not surpassing to delay the future.
The contemporary and ' a reconsideration of modern designs , Groys says we live in a time of indecision and procrastination.
The temporal dynamics is based on the contemporary dynamics of trade and economic and rituals . Production of contemporary artistic genre to relate to time : Time Based Art - TBA , whose themes and ' non-productive time , the loss of historical perspective of the phenomenon of generating infinite unproductive , wasted time . Is based on a loop of information activities that were carried out in time , without creating any product defined , circular repetition . Example : Song for Lupita , an animation where a woman pours water in the body to the other several times , no change in loop - Making do without. The artist questions the being in the world , where do sets the pace of one's being . The man devoid of leisure passes to live and work to fatigue . All mankind had come to live in the shadow of his desire , doing what they do not want ; lived a repeat of praxis undifferentiated , in search of a supposed salvation to which the arrow points of historical time .
We seek to make our lives comes down to an improvement , development , a build that shows only achievable through this thread doings , praxis undifferentiated . Where paradise became in retirement when we will be blessed with leisure .
The repetition of the woman leads us to reflect on our repetition of actions to keep the wheel turning system , we must keep in repetitive practice bike that only simulates a shift . Shifts in reality only the ritualistic cycle of debt .
The development simulation and ritualistic circle of debt , wants to fill us with objects and values in the exchanges , putting meaning in signifiers - the accumulation that leads to destructive character of the time . The demonstration of the expression of the act of throwing the water from a glass to another wants to show that our do not get us anywhere. That our freedom of paradise is worth repeating the cycle of debt for the economic recovery of leisure in later life . Sublimation of our desires pretends withdraw our fault for having them and our punishment and ' work for them.
The ineffectiveness cynical
Second, Gustave Guillaume , linguist , the human mind has the experience of time , but not its representation and should therefore resorting to represent you the construction of spatial order . - Agamben . In ancient Greece , it was used was in the circle and the arrow of Christianity in order to imagine a time line , also in order to master it .
The image of the circularity of time approaching eternity referring what remains identical , immutable law of eternal return , being the most immediate expression and more perfect , close to the divine.
The doing comes in contrast to the divine idleness . The perennial activity carry the punishment of the damned , the eternal repetition of work, do as the pace of life . And God and angels and ' allowed idleness . The simulation Lupita want to show that our practice has nothing repetitive glorioisa nor divine , but rather his practice undifferentiated gets us absolutely nothing .
The ineffectiveness and cynical ' failings as a power project . The power does not exist without a form of exercise - on the contrary - is exercised to exist. For your application to be fulfilled were created governments . The angels represent the instruments of the divine government , and they are responsible for maintaining the divine glory and exercise power through it , and it holds and hides the place of idleness ; conceals its existence since it should not be assumed.
The divine stillness , ie eternity and a ' make do without an end without end. What God was doing before He created the world , oshabat .
He then created governments to ensure that the glory would be employed .
If the machine 's power and ' the machine producing governments, Gloria would be guaranteed to operate this machine , a replacement to idleness . At the point of having to keep unchanging permanence Return circular . The right to idleness was deposed by the power, since only the divine can be idle . If beings realize the glory of idleness would be the lack of need for the exercise of government.
The circularity defines the economy moving by giving - receiving [ into debt ] - give - receive ad infinitum , grace ensures the maintenance of such a circle as salvation metaphysics, while Gloria takes care of take the place of leisure .
Tomorrow , tomorrow symbolizes the eternal postponement .
The return of non-identical , which creates the difference the point of restarting the cycle and ' spatially located somewhere above the point of departure, the return brings with it a shift . He avoids entering the U.S. border and bypasses , avoiding the obvious . Making also a reference to the work of the scribe who had a duty copy documents , he did now and emphatically , however without
passion for the fact that it is repetition. It only copies , replica .
He spends time with the saying : "I would rather not do it . " And goes live in the office that takes the absolute absence of life .
Living Organism X the dead mechanism .
What keeps the loop
Versamentos of connhecimentos - update information to be passed .
The permanence and ' a kind of imperative that accompanies us - calling > profession. The action maintained by repeating the motion maintaining ritualistic circle of debt that continues to provide feedback .
The Last Clown inefficiency and ineffectiveness of the authentic
The meeting and the accident event . The dialogue of contemporary art with the world of entertainment . The laughter recorded refers to what should be our reaction to witness such an event . Forging and inducing the phenomenon laugh. Without the insertion of titles and laughter the event would be a trivial event. Bearing in mind that repetition provides the joke : the circle walking clown reflects this mechanistic conception of our time , the fall ' and an unexpected event that escapes linearity. The meeting and ' represented causing it to lose its character as something on the order of the unexpected . To be represented by loop he become the expected accident and no longer falling . The event turns from the loop . Paradoxical condition : ineffectiveness cynical , the service of power , and ineffectiveness authenticates . The events , refer to the order when the unexpected are what enables the real encounters . They are beyond the temporality of time, the sequence of schedule .
in Economics
The concept of savings are essential notions of movement, exchange, feedback and return that are linked in a fundamental way the issue of donation . Values of the x values of the general law distribution law of the law as x values breakdown - the portion donated or consigned , participation . The relationship between the economy and the gift is anchored in the figure of the circle . Relationship based on co - dependency and co -defeating in that the gift would have as a condition for its existence - in the economy , or whether it would be what breaks the circle , what is not the place to exchange and which diverts the return on another , not feeds back the circle . A gift , a gift to that the fact is, there may be counter- donated , paid or repaid .
Their condition of existence and ' the same that determines its cancellation . Called paradox of gift.
... in advance - temporalizando time - directs itself an image of kindness and generosity , passing on a motion of gratitude narcissistic , where subject and object , the gift would be excluded . To have the gift a guy can ever give an object to another subject . The clown tripping the syrup dog : this event is in the threshold between what should surprise us , dismantling cycle and the empowerment of the eruption by circularity of praxis undifferentiated transforming it into something of the order of predictable .
The relationship between enclosed space and extracampo at TBA
The specific relationship between time and space construction in the form of the image, since the time and ' the constituent material of the work, and the point facing ' on the possibility of shaping time. Closed system comprises everything which is present in the image. The works TBA suggest a break with the notion space and temporality, work short-circuited . The loop does realize short time built . The more an image is closed reduced in two dimensions , the more she is able to open up to reveal a fourth dimension , time .
From the moment that man must obey a law that prevents you fertilize your desire into action , he shall perform them mechanically , as obedience to the exercise of power .
Having in mind the paradox of the dichotomy between the inoperative inoperative the service of power projects and that authenticates , we can see that break the cycle of exchanges and that ' the engine of the supposed development. While the device gloria , operates in precisely the opposite direction to catch up to idleness for precisely this movement , making the perennial exercise of government , although it is not justified . Absence that configures presence .
Leisure should be practiced in a creative and divine to finally complete the eternal destination in time revolutionize it .
Doing without
Man's relationship with time . How that this manifests itself in our daily experience . Modernity had to leave this light, leaving the past behind , if not surpassing to delay the future.
The contemporary and ' a reconsideration of modern designs , Groys says we live in a time of indecision and procrastination.
The temporal dynamics is based on the contemporary dynamics of trade and economic and rituals . Production of contemporary artistic genre to relate to time : Time Based Art - TBA , whose themes and ' non-productive time , the loss of historical perspective of the phenomenon of generating infinite unproductive , wasted time . Is based on a loop of information activities that were carried out in time , without creating any product defined , circular repetition . Example : Song for Lupita , an animation where a woman pours water in the body to the other several times , no change in loop - Making do without. The artist questions the being in the world , where do sets the pace of one's being . The man devoid of leisure passes to live and work to fatigue . All mankind had come to live in the shadow of his desire , doing what they do not want ; lived a repeat of praxis undifferentiated , in search of a supposed salvation to which the arrow points of historical time .
We seek to make our lives comes down to an improvement , development , a build that shows only achievable through this thread doings , praxis undifferentiated . Where paradise became in retirement when we will be blessed with leisure .
The repetition of the woman leads us to reflect on our repetition of actions to keep the wheel turning system , we must keep in repetitive practice bike that only simulates a shift . Shifts in reality only the ritualistic cycle of debt .
The development simulation and ritualistic circle of debt , wants to fill us with objects and values in the exchanges , putting meaning in signifiers - the accumulation that leads to destructive character of the time . The demonstration of the expression of the act of throwing the water from a glass to another wants to show that our do not get us anywhere. That our freedom of paradise is worth repeating the cycle of debt for the economic recovery of leisure in later life . Sublimation of our desires pretends withdraw our fault for having them and our punishment and ' work for them.
The ineffectiveness cynical
Second, Gustave Guillaume , linguist , the human mind has the experience of time , but not its representation and should therefore resorting to represent you the construction of spatial order . - Agamben . In ancient Greece , it was used was in the circle and the arrow of Christianity in order to imagine a time line , also in order to master it .
The image of the circularity of time approaching eternity referring what remains identical , immutable law of eternal return , being the most immediate expression and more perfect , close to the divine.
The doing comes in contrast to the divine idleness . The perennial activity carry the punishment of the damned , the eternal repetition of work, do as the pace of life . And God and angels and ' allowed idleness . The simulation Lupita want to show that our practice has nothing repetitive glorioisa nor divine , but rather his practice undifferentiated gets us absolutely nothing .
The ineffectiveness and cynical ' failings as a power project . The power does not exist without a form of exercise - on the contrary - is exercised to exist. For your application to be fulfilled were created governments . The angels represent the instruments of the divine government , and they are responsible for maintaining the divine glory and exercise power through it , and it holds and hides the place of idleness ; conceals its existence since it should not be assumed.
The divine stillness , ie eternity and a ' make do without an end without end. What God was doing before He created the world , oshabat .
He then created governments to ensure that the glory would be employed .
If the machine 's power and ' the machine producing governments, Gloria would be guaranteed to operate this machine , a replacement to idleness . At the point of having to keep unchanging permanence Return circular . The right to idleness was deposed by the power, since only the divine can be idle . If beings realize the glory of idleness would be the lack of need for the exercise of government.
The circularity defines the economy moving by giving - receiving [ into debt ] - give - receive ad infinitum , grace ensures the maintenance of such a circle as salvation metaphysics, while Gloria takes care of take the place of leisure .
Tomorrow , tomorrow symbolizes the eternal postponement .
The return of non-identical , which creates the difference the point of restarting the cycle and ' spatially located somewhere above the point of departure, the return brings with it a shift . He avoids entering the U.S. border and bypasses , avoiding the obvious . Making also a reference to the work of the scribe who had a duty copy documents , he did now and emphatically , however without
passion for the fact that it is repetition. It only copies , replica .
He spends time with the saying : "I would rather not do it . " And goes live in the office that takes the absolute absence of life .
Living Organism X the dead mechanism .
What keeps the loop
Versamentos of connhecimentos - update information to be passed .
The permanence and ' a kind of imperative that accompanies us - calling > profession. The action maintained by repeating the motion maintaining ritualistic circle of debt that continues to provide feedback .
The Last Clown inefficiency and ineffectiveness of the authentic
The meeting and the accident event . The dialogue of contemporary art with the world of entertainment . The laughter recorded refers to what should be our reaction to witness such an event . Forging and inducing the phenomenon laugh. Without the insertion of titles and laughter the event would be a trivial event. Bearing in mind that repetition provides the joke : the circle walking clown reflects this mechanistic conception of our time , the fall ' and an unexpected event that escapes linearity. The meeting and ' represented causing it to lose its character as something on the order of the unexpected . To be represented by loop he become the expected accident and no longer falling . The event turns from the loop . Paradoxical condition : ineffectiveness cynical , the service of power , and ineffectiveness authenticates . The events , refer to the order when the unexpected are what enables the real encounters . They are beyond the temporality of time, the sequence of schedule .
in Economics
The concept of savings are essential notions of movement, exchange, feedback and return that are linked in a fundamental way the issue of donation . Values of the x values of the general law distribution law of the law as x values breakdown - the portion donated or consigned , participation . The relationship between the economy and the gift is anchored in the figure of the circle . Relationship based on co - dependency and co -defeating in that the gift would have as a condition for its existence - in the economy , or whether it would be what breaks the circle , what is not the place to exchange and which diverts the return on another , not feeds back the circle . A gift , a gift to that the fact is, there may be counter- donated , paid or repaid .
Their condition of existence and ' the same that determines its cancellation . Called paradox of gift.
... in advance - temporalizando time - directs itself an image of kindness and generosity , passing on a motion of gratitude narcissistic , where subject and object , the gift would be excluded . To have the gift a guy can ever give an object to another subject . The clown tripping the syrup dog : this event is in the threshold between what should surprise us , dismantling cycle and the empowerment of the eruption by circularity of praxis undifferentiated transforming it into something of the order of predictable .
The relationship between enclosed space and extracampo at TBA
The specific relationship between time and space construction in the form of the image, since the time and ' the constituent material of the work, and the point facing ' on the possibility of shaping time. Closed system comprises everything which is present in the image. The works TBA suggest a break with the notion space and temporality, work short-circuited . The loop does realize short time built . The more an image is closed reduced in two dimensions , the more she is able to open up to reveal a fourth dimension , time .
From the moment that man must obey a law that prevents you fertilize your desire into action , he shall perform them mechanically , as obedience to the exercise of power .
Having in mind the paradox of the dichotomy between the inoperative inoperative the service of power projects and that authenticates , we can see that break the cycle of exchanges and that ' the engine of the supposed development. While the device gloria , operates in precisely the opposite direction to catch up to idleness for precisely this movement , making the perennial exercise of government , although it is not justified . Absence that configures presence .
Leisure should be practiced in a creative and divine to finally complete the eternal destination in time revolutionize it .