Self understanding to drop the society masks we all use
The gold is to be the same person inside , outside
With all the true intentions we got inside our hearts and souls
The truth can change the world all around you
Sincere heart can achieve anything
People get lost when they achieve material status
The spiritual life bring us back to the real inside of us
We donnot need drugs or anything to feel love
Just tell what your true heart mean to everyone
Everyone you know and will meet deserves the truth
Know - like - rendering - the state of being Jõao John is the highest and the lowest of human beings in the sky Phase John - attitude to the new soul Know - like - Surrender - Attitude The state blood is our name
João é o mais elevado dos seres humanos e o menor no céu
Fase João - para atitude da nova alma
Saber - desejar - rendição - atitude
O estado sanguíneo é o nosso nome
It's walking that we make the path
The present time is tangible
The richest man is not he who has the most, but he who needs the least. - Unknown