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"What beautifies the desert, says the little prince, is that it hides a well somewhere in" The Little Prince
"O que embeleza o deserto, diz o Pequeno Príncipe, é que ele esconde um poço em algum lugar" O Pequeno Principe
Through symbols

The energy is sent to us by gnosis

How the divine love comes to us - first hand (jesus, buda, etc) second hand us

Consciencia se liga somente a oitava superior
To purify our blood
That's why we need sobriety to the geniune conscience conduce to the right path everywhere you go at everytime

A roda da vida e da morte ciclo

Produces the imaterial gold for the soul
A change in the serpentine fire

Subtil and abstract our bodies is different each day

We are like an oven - each day we create a new result alchemy is not linear as chemestry

Begin on Egypt
The spirit and the soul - the element inner create inside us the gold substance as spiritual
The alchemical marriage

Gold as a different material as a spiritual substance
Gold was a spiritual substance that get solid when we had the spiritual fall
Gold ad a different material as a spiritual substance