sexta-feira, 31 de janeiro de 2014

The Book of Mirdad 30

Lectorium Rosicrucianum


The Master reveals the dream of Micayon

Naronda: During a long period before and after the Master back from Bethar, we observed that Micayon behaved as if he thought anyone in trouble. Keeps it aside, almost all the time, talking little, eating little. And rarely leaving his cell. Did not trust me your secret. We all admired in that the Master fizessse nothing to soften her grief, although she loved him very much.
Once the Master began to speak about the great nostalgia.

Mirdad: A man once dreamed. Here's how it was his dream:

He found himself on the green bank of a broad and deep river, whose waters glided silently. On the shore there was a crowd of men, women and children of all ages and languages, they all had wheels of various sizes and colors that ran incessantly up and down the shore. The crowds were dressed in festive colors and were there to have fun and party. Joyful Noise that were filled the air. Like a restless sea rose and fell, went back and forth.

Only he was not dressed for the party, because he knew nothing of any party. Only he did not have a wheel to run, and, more than apurasse ears, could not understand a word of what he said the polyglot crowd that was similar to their own dialect. No matter how hard the view, could not find a single face that was familiar. Moreover, the crowd, as they approached him, caught him by significant glances, as if to say: "Who is this guy funny?" Suddenly, however, he realized that the party was not his and that it was entirely foreign to it, felt a pain in my heart.

Behold, I heard a loud noise coming from the top end of the border and soon saw that the crowd knelt, covered his eyes with his hands and bowed his head, opening wings and leaving the center unobstructed close and parallel to the river track. Only he stood in the middle of the band, not knowing what to do or which way to turn up.

When he looked to see where the noise came, he spotted a huge bull spitting fire from his mouth and throwing columns of smoke through its nostrils, ran the track with the speed of lightning. Terrified, he looked crazed party and sought a way out, left and right, but could not find it. She was stuck to the ground and was sure not survive.

Just at the moment when the bull came so close to this man who has felt his burning fire and choking smoke, felt high in the air. The bull remained on the ground beneath him, shooting up more fire and smoke, but he towered more and, although he felt the heat of the fire and smoke, began to realize that the bull could no longer hurt him some. And turned to cross the river.

Looking for green margin saw the people still kneeling as before, and the bull shooting arrows instead of fire and smoke. He heard the hissing of arrows passing by close to him, some pierced his clothes, but none of them touched her flesh. Finally the bull, the crowd and the river lost sight of, and the man went flying.

Went flying over a tract of parched earth, in which there was no sign of life. After all, down at the foot of a high and steep mountain desolate, in which there was not a blade of grass, not even a lizard or ant, and felt as if his only course was uphill.

Long sought a safe way to climb, but the only access he found was a trail, you could barely see, and why it seemed that only goats could climb. It was decided to follow this path.

Soon as he had walked about twenty yards, he realized, not far to the left, a wide and smooth road. As soon paroue was willing to abandon the trail, the road turned into a human river. Half of the human beings that cumpunha climbed with great effort, while the other half rolled down the slope. A huge number of men and women struggled to climb and rolled down, tumbling, dropping moans and cries that cut the heart.

The man noted for some time that frightful phenomenon and concluded that, at some point of that mountain, there was a huge hospice, and those who came were rolling some of the inmates who had fled. Continued through the winding trail, falling and rising again from time to time, but always progressing toward the top.

At one point, the human river dried up, and his bed completely disappeared. Again the man was only with the bleak mountain, and there was an outstretched finger pointed to him the way or a voice that stimulated his courage, he felt weaken, or revive his forces, which were fading, non be a vague faith that their course was pointing upward.

And there oa it, thus tracing its path with blood. After much effort, reached a point where the earth was soft and there were no stones. To his unspeakable joy, he saw some delicate tufts of grass growing here and there, and the grass was so delicate, so tender, so velvety soil, the air so fragrant and relaxing, it felt as if he had stolen the last drop of energy. Muscles relaxed and fell asleep.

He was awakened by the hand of someone who touched him and a voice saying to him: "Arise The peak is in sight, and spring awaits you upstairs."

Hand and voice were a beautiful maiden - a being heavenly - dress clothing blinding whiteness. Kindly took him by the hand, and he felt refreshed and invaded by extraordinary wellness. Could actually see the top of montanhae smell the spring. Evil, however, stood up to take the first step, awakened from the dream.

What would Micayon if waking from a dream like that and found lying in a common bed, enclosed between four common walls, but with the image of the maiden still shining in her eyes, and still feeling the heart feagrante the radiance from the mountain ?

Micayon: (As anyone who has been stung) the dreamer that I am, and that was the dream I had, including the vision of Maiden white and the mountain. This comes chasing me today and give me no peace. It makes me feel weird myself. Because of this, Micayon Micayon not already know.

However, had this dream right after you were taken to Bethar. How come you can report it with all its details? What kind of man you are, even the dreams of men are, for you, an open book?

Ah, that freedom was at the peak of that mountain! Oh, how lovely was that damsel! Like everything here is ordinary in comparison! I felt as if he had lost his soul due to dream, but only on the day you saw, returning from Bethar, I felt I was returning my soul and I felt calm and strong. But this feeling has to leave me, and I again be separated from myself by an invisible cord.

Save me, O my great companion. I'm consuming because of a vision.

Mirdad: You do not know what you ask, Micayon. Want to be saved from your savior?

Micayon: I want to be spared this unbearable torture me feel as homeless in a world that feels so comfortable at home. I would like to be on the mountain with this girl.

Mirdad: Rejoice, because your heart has become the prey of a great nostalgia, because this is the irrevocable promise that you find your palátria and your home, and you'll be on the mountain with the young.

Abimar: Please contai us anything more about this nostalgia. What are the symptoms by which we recognize it?