domingo, 16 de fevereiro de 2014

On the Way to the Holy Graal

Lectorium Rosicrucianum 

The Ancient Mysteries of the Cathars
Antonin Gadal


At the end of the eleventh century, Western Europe slowly began to awaken the " centuries of darkness " that followed the fall of the Roman Empire .
This awakening brought a true renewal of the world and men in many aspects of life .
These were times of great change .

Pontose the religious view. The men became conscious of their spiritual needs , and came a yearning for a deeper and more intense interior life . The Roman Church had become a powerful political stronghold , in a very prosperous institution oriented outdoor power equipment , which , however, did not reflect the spiritual essence of the living criatianismo .

For this reason , countless religious movements that appeared to a greater or lesser extent , differed from the official religion imposed by Rome .

In southern France, called Occitania, in the region of Albi , born and flourished various religious communities , later known by the name of " the Cathars ."

The best known , and which greatly influenced the Western world , was the group of Cathars (a word which comes from the Greek katharoi , which means pure ) . While confessing themselves Christians , were quickly removed from the Church of Rome and declared heretics .

The Cathars based their faith in the Bible and especially in the Gospel of John , who interpreted purely spiritual form . There was no hierarchy among them , all were brothers . He was the Master and only God was the Father , and the greater must be the servant of all .

Christianity meant to the Cathars " Gnosis " , the inner knowing that is the only true God. And God is love . Everything else in the world is an illusion .

According to his teachings , the man must rise above ring of matter to reach God . All the ties that bound man to the perceived world should be broken . And the only way to get it was moving away from this world and especially of himself , having nothing more to you. Only in this way it was possible to achieve a pure and immaculate heart , it could go the way of the Holy Grail , the path of the stars .

The Cathars denominated endura this process of collapse. To accomplish this purification is needed to go through a long and difficult initiation. During four years of austerity - sleeping , working , eating and praying in the caves of Ussat - Ornolac - the faithful passed through a process of transformation as a caterpillar , through its metamorphosis into chrysalis turns into a beautiful butterfly.

Who led successfully the endura , received the consolamentum * , the baptism of fire that sealed a definitive break with the world . The men who received this sacrament were called Pure , Perfect, Good - men * .

Because of this Gnostic view of Christianity , the Cathars clashed openly with the Roman Church . Within their religious community , the Spirit occupies a central place in the tri-unity of the divine essence : the Paraclete , the Comforter, the Renovator of the world . For them , the world is saved by the Spirit , which is love, and not by the martyrdom and atonement. For this reason , the Church of the Cathars was called the Church of Consolation Church of Love .

The community of the Cathars was not formed only by Perfect, but also by numerous faithful - believers - who might experience the power of love the Paraclete , although they had not realized the endura . Some of these believers received the sacrament of consolamentum shortly before his death .

The Cathar religion snatched both the yearning heart of men who longed for renewal of faith , which until the mid-twelfth century much of the south of France had converted to Catharism . The influence of the Church of Rome was remarkably reduced in the region , but also in other parts of Europe the desire for spiritual development has been growing and manifesting in different ways.

The response of Rome before these developments was overwhelming . Relying on the idea that this " heresy " threatened the power of the Roman Church and , therefore , should be totally extinguished , the persecution of nonconformists all of Europe began . The time of the Inquisition began. Thousands and thousands of people across Europe were brought to the stake.

Also the Cathars suffered this fate . With the enactment of a " crusade against the Cathars " in the Lateran Council in 1215 , Pope Innocent III outlawed all omovimento Cathar . Whole armies were organized . Town after town and village after village fell into the hands of the Crusaders . After lengthy interrogations , the cáraros were burned in mass or bricked up alive . His last great refuge, the castle of Montsegur fell in 1244.

And it was not until 1329 that Rome managed to extinguish all traces of so peaceful and spiritual Catharism . At least , that was what was believed . However , the spirit can not be killed , burned , immured . The Spirit is eternal and omnipresent.

The path of the Holy Grail remains open for every true seeker. Hidden from the eyes of the world , the legacy of the Cathars was transmitted for centuries , man to man.

So this heritage came to this day by the hand of Antonin Gadal , the last Cathar patriarch in turn disciple historian Adolphe Garrigou.

A. Gadal tells us in this book , an extraordinarily beautiful form , in the person of young Matheus , who roamed the way believers who wished to be initiated into the mysteries of the Cathars.

May this book be a beacon for the modern seeker and, guided by its light he could find, this time also, the wonderful treasure of the Holy Grail.

This symbol is located in the cave " Acacia " in Ussat , and expresses a clear and surprising way "the way of the Holy Grail ."

The curve at the top symbolizes the path of the stars , the path of transformation (or Transfiguration ) , through seven planets , embodied in the "seven communities in Asia " , veiled expression of glorious way back through the seven cosmic planes .

In this way , one side of the material being of man ( the little triangle ) decreases steadily , becoming increasingly tenuous , more subtle , on the other hand the true man (the largest triangle ) ceaselessly in pure spirituality in divine power , increasingly large and wonderful. It is the mystery of the Alpha and the Omega and Alpha , the mystery of transformation ( of the Transfiguration ) unbroken , rising beyond the influence of matter , the absolute return of the " pure man - spirit , similar to the Father."

Who runs this way makes clear the three aspects of the one God who , with the aid of the Spirit sanctifies (the Moon ) , the freed man becomes the bearer of the kingdom of love , expressed by the downward triangle , symbol of the Deity who sacrifices himself .

Hence , again , the symbol of the triune , universal basis of all manifestation , and bright light sevenfold , whose sacrifice for the salvation and redemption is expressed by seven waves symbolizing the endless sea of cosmic wholeness humanity.

For this sacrifice, rises in the world fall , the Temple of the Spirit , the School of the Christian Mysteries , built on five pillars, five drops of Christ's blood ( the fivefold initiation into the Christian mysteries ) , through the three circles sevenfold ( See the book the initiatory Christian mystery : gloria Dei intact J. van Rijckenborgh ) .
Or put another way : the five Elohim the Father by the Son spilling . the Holy Grail , his blood , his love , in order that M. , Mary, the spiritual Mother of the Spirit , the Church of the Spirit , curadoura take the Living Water , the water of eternal life, to offer it to all truly seeking and being worthy of it , may actually receive it .

This symbol, which is the monogram of Christ, lies in Ornolac and consists of the following meanings:

The circle of eternity
Resch * P mysterious letter that represents the Son of God
The Greek letter Chi: Christ
The Alpha, the beginning
The Omega, the end
Caput Christi, inverted: symbol of death
Caput Christ, Right: Symbol of Life

Everything is in agreement:

Christ, God-the-Son, is the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the beginning: life and death, the end: death and life.

The Patriarch of Sabarthes

Galad ( anagram name Gadal ) , the faithful guardian of the Grail , is the spiritual son that that long ago , over three quarters of a century , became known large number of historical riches of Sabarthes * - County of Foix .

The name of Adolphe Garrigou is still remembered in every home in the Upper Ariege, despite his death dating from 1897 . His austere life, all modesty and work , is an example .

Modest student , his successor followed his example as far as circumstances allowed . He was unable to produce things of the past as wanted : put the grottos and caves in fitness to complement the story , in a word , to fully experience the high spirituality that keeps radiating from the center of initiatory Ussat - Ornolac .

The underground galleries only reveal paulatinamenteo they heard and intuited , but even so, some points remain unclear .

The port * Pyrenean Catharism is vast , its complicated history remained unknown for almost centuries . The time had not sounded ; laurel there was reflorescido .

But behold , in all parts of our old Europe , sounded the awakening of the Holy Grail .

The Sabarthes was surprised with his manly tones , the enthusiasm of the Pure is noble in the way of love, the beautiful, the good, eternal and immortal path of the Holy Grail .

O dear Patriarch ! Your happiness should be great : nothing is lost from your teaching , which came from the great masters of yore !

* Consolamentum : the former Brotherhood knew two forms of consolamento ; consolamento of the dying , and offered them consolation and rest, and consolamento of the Living Dead , the Initiates .

* Pure , Perfect, Good - men : these names were given to those who , in the path of the Christian mysteries , had to be operated on their reformation and since then the service of the world and humanity as true disciples of Christ , the galgavam path of the stars , the path of transformation (or tramsfiguração ) . Alluding to this state of Puro , a young Brotherhood speaks of Gnostic reborn soul , the soul - spirit, which by its connection with the Spirit restored , again won the participation in the divine wisdom , the Gnosis .

* Port of Catharism : a port is a quiet place where boats are safe from the dangers of the sea , and where a solid breakwater protects against the fury of the waves , where the breakwater ends is a headlamp directs mariners , showing the good way .
In this sense it is the great circle Tarascon - Ussat - Ornolac , with its caves of initiation was called safe and peaceful harbor of Catharism , the mountain of Tabor , Tabor Pyrenean , the path of the Cathars to St. Bartholomew the breakwater ; Montsegur and , in the distance , toward the Occitania, refuge of Perfect, lit like a true spiritual lighthouse throughout the Languedoc .

* Resch : they are all part of the Gnosis , the Divine , living and profound science of pure Christianity. Signs and symbols that are also found in the catacombs - for example, the fish , the anchor , Chi , P. Resch , etc. .