domingo, 23 de março de 2014

On the Way to the Holly Graal

Lectorium Rosicrucianum

The Antique Cathar Mysteries

"He who loves his life will lose it;!, And he who hates his life in this world will keep it for eternal life - JESUS

Undoubtedly Matheus was ready to face the last phase of his initiation, to offer the sacrifice of his life, the supreme purpose of his long preparation.

But then, still lacked the annihilation of its matter, the act of returning to the dust which is nothing else but dust.

Should die before raising in Spirit. And when I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto me. - Jesus.

That is why, before passing through the pentacle of Bethlehem, before receiving consolamentum, mortr sacrament of the matter, the future perfect should abandon its caterpillar.

The caterpillar becomes a chrysalis to leave their first wrap, to become spirit-man he must prepare to abandon its wrapping material.

He understood the mystery of the three sacred caves, overlapping, related to the chapel of the Hermit, who had named their masters: Kepler month-Naut and Ka, from bottom to top.

The Master came to Kepler, withdrew a pentagonal stone, close to the ground, to open a passage, and explained Matheus:
- My son, here is the mystery of death, the reformation and transformation. Do not forget the Master's words to go to the grave of Lazarus: I am the resurrection and the life: he that believeth in me, though he die, shall live! And whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die.

You know what it takes to revive Spirit abandon forever the matter. Look, is this place for four days, you will know how you untangle it. You will be decent at the moment of lifting up thyself to the grotto above, month-Naut.

You will be chrysalis, spirit-man, who rid in Bethlehem, all materiality.

The Perfect brother whom shall you, you have only one goal: learn to rise through the path of the stars to Ka, the third cave above your head.

The transformation, O Matthew, will you, then an apostle worthy of our divine Master: thou shalt be soul-light for eternity. The way of Christ, the way of the Holy Grail, it's hard, but it is beautiful!

More effort, my dear son, still a little courage. Your victory is near.

Matheus went resolutely on Kepler, a small grotto low: it was simply a tomb, enough so that he could move around and get up size.


Matheus was a tomb, but he realized that he had not forgotten and that their provisional status was not abandoning his physical body returned to dust, but the overlap of his spiritual body to its material body, which is essential to reforming .

The Perfect, the superman, he needed to fulfill his mission on earth and during his life, his body as the bearer of his spirit-director, the total sacrifice was required solely for this purpose: ever higher, month- naut.

From this understanding, all the lessons of its bigger brothers came to mind, and in profusion, entertaining him in isolation for long moments, an indispensable classification: an Egyptian died in Osiris. Likewise, a Christian dies in Christ - in Christ Morimur.

Paul's words opened to him the meaning of this sacred mystery: the faithful are co-heirs with Christ.

The mystical union showed her Egyptian heritage and its cosmic nature with: your physical body, your spirit, your soul.

The noble words resounded in the tomb of Hermes:
You want to live with the gods? Want to become a god? Be therefore worthy of it! Let your coduta on terr is according to the will of the gods; she follow the divine order of the cosmos! Then, the gods will not be ashamed of your presence and you can talk to them as equals.

Turn off the land, be captivated peli ideal of perfection of the soul means to be born as a perfect man and die for the world beyond.

The earthly death is nothing more than a new birth, rebirth in the Spirit, a rejuvenation of the inner Self.

At the moment the earthly body ceases to play an active role, plays Ka, after death, the role of the earthly body during life. Ka is the soul-light, the astral body.

The Spirit is the eternal part of the human being, the normal life of the Spirit is conditioned, first, by its justification, then, for ritual purification and its sanctification of Christ within!

Abandon the field, get rid of it morally, the caterpillar is returning to earth. The caterpillar into chrysalis reform, as well as man-reform matter into spirit-man.

A small cave Kepler field, refers to the grotto month-Naut, Spirit. After Bethlehem enshrines this state.

But Ka, the third sacred grotto, remains the ultimate goal of every Perfect: his transformation from man-spirit-soul light, the astral body.

Indeed, the chrysalis to turn into perfect soul (imago).

I am today
I am the last
I am tomorrow!
I am the divine and mysterious soul
My irradiation enlightens all be ressussitado
Which, as it passes into the realm of the dead
By successive transformations
Searching his way painfully
Through the region of darkness.

Book of the Dead / cap. 64

Material life ... of the spiritual life, the transformation of the soul.

Reappointed to ... Egyptian mysteries:

Despair of a soul suffering in addition to the spectacle of his own imperfections in the land, and that aspires to rescue them.

Oh God of truth and justice!
Destroy the evil that is in me!
Make disappear my wickedness, my crimes.
Scans of my heart all evil
That could separate me from you,
In order for me to be at peace with you!

Book of the Dead - Chapter 14


After physical death, freed from matter, coated by subtle wrap, the astral body, which is threatened with a second death. Third part of the metamorphosis, transformation, terrible fear for the deceased. Indeed: To make perfect the sanctified spirits, we must freely consent to the sacrifice of purified human, sanctified, which reached divine perfection.

Book of the Dead - Chapter 130