sexta-feira, 28 de fevereiro de 2014

Rosacruz Áurea

Sem colocar o amor universal em seu centro, nenhuma utopia poderá tornar-se realidade.

Francis Bacon

Fonte: Revista Pentagrama 2010 número 4

Without putting universal love at your inner center, no utopia can become reality. 

Francis Bacon 

Source: Pentagram Review 2010 number 4

Lion Love

Dreamy about lioness 

Emerald clock

To watch time does not even exist

Rosacruz Áurea

"O homem diz que o tempo passa. O Tempo diz que o homem passa."

Ditado indiano

"The man says that time passes. Time says man passes." 

indian proverb

quarta-feira, 26 de fevereiro de 2014


I want you to know
one thing. 

You know how this is: 
if I look 
at the crystal moon, at the red branch 
of the slow autumn at my window, 
if I touch 
near the fire 
the impalpable ash 
or the wrinkled body of the log, 
everything carries me to you, 
as if everything that exists, 
aromas, light, metals, 
were little boats 
that sail 
toward those isles of yours that wait for me. 



‘In the wave-strike over unquiet stones’

In the wave-strike over unquiet stones
the brightness bursts and bears the rose
and the ring of water contracts to a cluster
to one drop of azure brine that falls.
O magnolia radiance breaking in spume,
magnetic voyager whose death flowers
and returns, eternal, to being and nothingness:
shattered brine, dazzling leap of the ocean.
Merged, you and I, my love, seal the silence
while the sea destroys its continual forms,
collapses its turrets of wildness and whiteness,
because in the weft of those unseen garments
of headlong water, and perpetual sand,
we bear the sole, relentless tenderness. 



I do not love you as if you were salt-rose, or topaz,
or the arrow of carnations the fire shoots off.
I love you as certain dark things are to be loved,
in secret, between the shadow and the soul.

I love you as the plant that never blooms
but carries in itself the light of hidden flowers;
thanks to your love a certain solid fragrance,
risen from the earth, lives darkly in my body.

I love you without knowing how, or when, or from where.
I love you straightforwardly, without complexities or pride;
so I love you because I know no other way

than this: where I does not exist, nor you,
so close that your hand on my chest is my hand,
so close that your eyes close as I fall asleep.

Pablo Neruda

Rosacruz Áurea

Realizar a iniciação é silenciar e encontrar-se em verdadeiro intercâmbio com o Outro. No silêncio, o Outro fala! Se nós, seres humanos, abandonarmos nossa lógica limitada, Deus, o Logos, irá glorificar-se no diálogo mantido com sua criatura, o homem criador. Esse é o significado da expressão “o fogo que alimenta a si mesmo”, ou “a fonte única e inesgotável”. Então, o ser humano estará sobre outro fundamento existencial. O que é conhecido já não estará fora do conhecedor.

(Pentagrama, Ano 33, nº 01)

Perform initiation is mute and find yourself in true exchange with the Other. In the silence, the Other speaks! If we humans abandon our limited logic, God, the Logos, will glorify himself in dialogue with his creature, man creator. This is the meaning of "fire that feeds on itself," or "the sole and inexhaustible source." So, the human being will be about another existential foundation. What is known is no longer out of the knower. 

(Pentagram, Year 33, No. 01)

Rosacruz Áurea

Como definir o indefinível? O que dizer sobre o indizível? Assim é Deus, assim é a Gnosis. O verdadeiro autoconhecimento requer um mergulho nas profundezas do ser.

How to define the indefinable? What about the unspeakable? So is God, so is the Gnosis. The true self requires diving into the depths of being.

Rosacruz Áurea

Ainda que eu falasse línguas, as dos homens e dos anjos, e não tivesse amor, seria como o metal que soa ou o sino que retine.

Ainda que eu tivesse o Dom da profecia, o conhecimento de todos os mistérios e de toda a ciência; ainda que eu tivesse toda a fé, a ponto de transportar montanhas, se não tivesse o amor, eu nada seria.

1ª Epístola de Paulo aos Coríntios


Though I speak with tongues of men and of the angels, but have not love, I like sounding brass or a clanging bell. 

Even though I have the gift of prophecy, knowledge of all mysteries and all knowledge, and though I have all faith, so as to remove mountains, but have not love, I am nothing. 

1st Epistle of Paul to the Corinthians

Rosacruz Áurea

"Milhares de velas podem ser acesas de uma única vela e a vida da vela não será encurtada. 
Felicidade e saber nunca diminuem ao serem compartilhados."


"Thousands of candles can be lit from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. 
Happiness never decreases and knowing when shared. "


Rosacruz Áurea

"O que percebo em minha contemplação é a verdade. O que pratico com devoção é a verdade, pois, vê, eu mesmo tornei-me a verdade."

"What I realize in my contemplation is the truth. Practice with devotion What is the truth, because, see, I even became the truth." 

Rosacruz Áurea

"...Vocês sentem uma reação cada vez que você mesmos ou outros não respeitam a verdade, quando se confrontam com a falta da verdade, quando sentem que no mesmo momento em que a falta de verdade entra na esfera das suas vidas, um impulso os cerca como que ameaçando e indicando a verdade, um impulso que não deixa entrar a mentira em suas vidas, que continuamente os anima a respeitarem a verdade, então sentirão a vida do impulso crístico em contraste à vida tão dada às aparências. " Rudolf Steiner

"... You feel a reaction every time you do not respect themselves or others the truth when confronted with the lack of truth, when they feel that the same time the lack of truth enters the sphere of their lives, a boost that's about as threatening and stating the truth, not an impulse that lets in a lie in their lives, that continually encourages them to respect the truth, then you will feel the life of the Christ impulse in contrast to life as given to appearances. "Rudolf Steiner

Rosacruz Áurea

Toda a nossa doutrina nada mais é do que uma instrução de como o homem pode criar um reino de luz dentro de si mesmo.

Jacob Boehme

Our whole doctrine is nothing more than a statement of how man can create a kingdom of light within yourself. 

Jacob Boehme

Rosacruz Aurea

"Rechace todos os modelos tradicionais. Deixe-os para os hipócritas. Apenas o que o libera do desejo, do medo e das falsas ideias é bom. Enquanto preocupar-se com o pecado e com a virtude não terá paz."(Nisargadatta Maharaj)

"Repel all the traditional models. Allow them to the hypocrites. Just what the releases of desire, fear and false ideas is good. While worrying about sin and virtue will not have peace." (Nisargadatta Maharaj )

Lion Love

A natural dream

terça-feira, 25 de fevereiro de 2014

The poet

The poet put the semantic in the language
To creat the romantic talk
And after that all the meanings have love on it
All her metaphors
All the cognitions
All the intentions

All her acts are sincronized
Correct by the rule is this new grammar
Has its poetic license to drive into the subjective field

Into the unconcioness and concioness 

Ocean and weaves

And everything has passion on it 
And hability to see what's pure and genuine

Flowers in a desert 

Even a green bird speak the same language
All the nature 
All nature bends and magnifies to make love

Rosacruz Áurea

O símbolo do Trabalho da Mocidade
Ele mostra um coração com uma pequena flor no centro. A flor é rodeada por uma estrela de cinco pontas. Isso significa que é no coração que se encontra, escondido, o objetivo do ser humano: como um pequeno e adormecido Botão de Rosa. É a partir do coração que ele pode crescer e se tornar uma linda flor divina. 
A estrela de cinco pontas, ou pentagrama, é o símbolo do homem perfeito, cuja vida é conduzida pela Alma e pelo Espírito.

The symbol of the Youth Work 
It shows a heart with a small flower in the center. The flower is surrounded by a five-pointed star. That means it's in the heart that lies hidden in the goal of the human being: as a small and dormant Rose Bud. It is from the heart that it can grow and become a beautiful flower divine. 

The five-pointed star, or pentagram is the symbol of the perfect man, whose life is guided by the Soul and the Spirit.

Rosacruz Áurea

Existe uma força-luz concentrada, da qual participam todos os irmãos e irmãs pertencente à Corrente Universal de Fraternidades. Essa força-luz concentrada é o Santo Graal, e com a essência do Santo Graal sois tocados. O Santo Graal se tornou, no decorrer dos séculos, numa poderosa e intensa concentração de força libertadora. Ele é o sangue sideral do Cristo universal.

É simbolizado por um cálice. Outras vezes também por um coração, do qual flui o sangue vivificante. É o patrimônio da Gnosis, reunido em todos os tempos. Desse imperecível tesouro podeis haurir, para que todos se tornem radiantemente felizes.

(Catharose de Petri)

There is a force concentrated light, which involves all brothers and sisters belonging to the Universal Current Fraternities. This force-concentrated light is the Holy Grail, and the essence of the Holy Grail you are touched. The Holy Grail has become, over the centuries, a powerful and intense concentration liberating force. It is the outer blood of Christ universal. 

It is symbolized by a chalice. Sometimes also by a heart from which flows the life-giving blood. It is the heritage of Gnosis, met at all times. Imperishable treasure that you can draw so that everyone becomes radiantly happy. 

(Petri Catharose)

Rosacruz Aurea

O que o homem assumiu ele deve cumprir.
Porém, cada existência traz, além de um fardo, um poder
e uma possibilidade. Muito embora não se possa anular o 
passado, a lei cármica deixa aberta a possibilidade 
do justo emprego do presente.Jan Van Rijckenborgh

Quarta-feira, 26 de fevereiro, às 20h · Entrada franca  
R. Guajajaras, 410, sala 510, Centro - Belo Horizonte. (31) 3491-9823 · f/rosacruzaureabh

The man assumed it must fulfill. 

But every life brings, in addition to a burden, a power 
and a possibility. Although it can not be undone 
past, the karmic law leaves open the possibility 
fair employment presente.Jan Van Rijckenborgh 

segunda-feira, 24 de fevereiro de 2014


Some people just belong to us
Including their flaws and mistakes
I cheer for them near or far
And carry in my heart
Defend and fight for them with claws and fangs
Just because
Some connection is made with feelings 
And I am loyal 
And I bless their way
Even if they don't know about it
Admiration is altruist
Is a kind of love that keeps you going

And there is no love without admiration
And no admiration without love.

The Enigma of the Eight

O Enigma do Oito

As Montanhas Mágicas

O que é o futuro? 
O que é o passado?
O que somos nós?
O que é este fluido mágico que nos envolve e nos oculta as coisas que mais precisamos conhecer? Vivemos e morremos em meio a maravilhas.
(Napoleão Bonaparte)

O Enigma do Oito

The Enigma of Eight
The Magic Mountains

What is the future?
What is the past?
What are we?
What is this magical fluid that envelops us and hides the things we most need to know? Live and die in the midst of wonders.
(Napoleon Bonaparte)

The Enigma of Eight

Katherine Neville

A bullet and a arrow

A bullet and arrow 
The everyday choices
Electromagnetism and energy 
What are you putting in

The decision has been made
Even in your darkest moments
Your soul never left you

Were you brave enough to listen to it
To believe 
She talks to you all the time
Do you ever answer it

The end and the begin 

To say that watch a death does not interfere a thing is a lie 
I am introspective 
Perspective gets deeper 
I see it purely as an event 
But it also relieves energy 
This death in particular I think brings joy for the being 
Wich was a prisoner of a sad body 
Was not a good chain involved 
I do not want to think it being a chain of people 
But it is the cicle of life and death 
Samsara - to watch it clearly with dispassion
Only angels drink my tears I guess
I sincerely hope she does not take longer to get her way

Rosacruz Áurea

O alquimista parte do seguinte princípio: O que está embaixo é como o que está em cima e o que está no exterior é como o que está no interior. A transformação que se opera no plano material reflete o processo interior de transformação da alma. A descoberta da pedra filosofal é, para o alquimista, o sinal exterior de sua meta interior.

The alchemist of the following principle: What is below is like what is above and what is outside is like what is inside. The transformation that operates on the material plane reflects the inner process of transformation of the soul. The discovery of the philosopher's stone is to the alchemist, the outward sign of his inner goal.

domingo, 23 de fevereiro de 2014

Golden Rosacruciam UK

To all friends in London - United Kingdom

Lectorium Rosicrucianum

Just for laughs, babe!

I once was bald, toothless, illiterate, and very giggly

Rosacruz Áurea

Chegamos a liberdade exclusivamente com o auxílio de 3 virtudes:
o entendimento, o abandono e a justiça. 

Pelo entendimento, discernimos o que vem de Deus e o que vem do mundo; 
pela justiça, damos ao mundo sua parte e 
pelo abandono, damos a Deus o que é de Deus.

... Se seguirmos esse precioso ensinamento de Platão, atravessaremos o turbilhão selvagem do destino e, impulsionados por um vento favorável que vem do céu, entraremos no porto sem nenhum obstáculo.

(Cartas de Marsilio Ficino, livro 1, nº 22, 1894 Rozekruiz Pers, Haarlem)

We got freedom only with the aid of 3 virtues: 
understanding, abandonment and justice. 

By understanding, discern what is of God and what comes from the world; 
justice, give the world its part and 
abandonment, give to God what is God's. 

If we follow ... this precious teaching of Plato, cross the wild whirl of fate and, driven by a favorable wind from heaven, will enter the port without any hindrance. 

(Letters of Marsilio Ficino, Book 1, No. 22, 1894 Rozekruiz Pers, Haarlem)

Rosacruz Áurea

Bem-aventurado aquele que se tornou sábio, que já não especula sobre o mundo e busca em si mesmo a pedra da sabedoria eterna.
Somente o sapiente é digno de ser adepto – ele transmuta tudo em vida e ouro, sem precisar de elixires.

A retorta sagrada nele exala –
o rei presente nele está –
Delfos também;

E finalmente ele compreende:
"Conhece-te a ti mesmo".

Extrato do poema: "Conhece-te a ti mesmo"

Blessed is he who has become wise, that no longer speculates about the world and seeks in himself the rock of eternal wisdom. 
Only the wise is worthy to be adept - he transmutes everything in life and gold without elixirs. 

The retort sacred it exudes - 
it is the present king - 
Delphi also; 

And he finally understands: 
"Know thyself". 


Excerpt from poem: "Know thyself"

Carla Bruni - Quelqu'un m'a dit

I  really need to learn French ... is so romantic!

And italian ... so passionated ...

Lion Love

Lion sleep together 

sábado, 22 de fevereiro de 2014

Day and Night By Pixar

I looove this one!!

"Cordas", animação. Legendas em português (Ative as legendas)

ten cute minutes!!

To know me is an experience

I am an hermetic human being
To get to know me you must experience me
Feel me inside yourself

My whisper my breath

You got to believe me and the existence of my soul
That's how the truth is taught to us
By sings, by light, by breath

Cosmos, God, Gnosis call the way you want
I worship it and work for it
For the good and the true to happen
For everyone around me

Simple life
Simple thoughts
Lighter ... smothier ... still relevant

I desire trivial things but with original love, with a static energy
Genuinaly to attain greatness
In a soft way

I creat the strenght in my cosmos
How it spins and flows
It is physics ... it is made by laws of the Nature

Emotion waves
Feelings are the ocean
The soul is made of fire, blue fire - Indigo
Etherical particles made by energy - my energy

All my body, my energy and soul are concentrated
Everything I do small or great are made with the same intensity, with the same energy and love
My habilities are my energy focused, worked with great love
I unplugged many people and the way are connected to me
I transformed my relation with the world to get peace - so my world can be a peacefull place to live

I carry little wheight to climb the mountain I won't need clothes, gold, guns, nor food.

I transform everything I touch
With words, tenderness and creativity

When you look at me
You feel curious - by magnetism

I am feeling as I pass
I may be fighting an intergallactic battle
But you don't know my scars
You never touched the skin of my face

Rosacruz Áurea

Ah! Quando houveres te tornado como uma estrela fixa no céu mais elevado, esse luminoso orbe celestial deve, das profundezas do espaço, brilhar para todos, salvo para si próprio; dar a luz a todos, mas não toma-la de ninguém. 

Helena Petrovina Blavatsky em A Voz do Silêncio

Ah! When hast made ​​thee as a fixed star in the highest heaven, that bright celestial orb must, from the depths of space, shining for all, except for himself, giving birth to all, but not take it from anyone. 

Helena Blavatsky Petrovina in The Voice of Silence

Rosacruz Áurea

É destino do ser humano elevar-se até ao centro espiritual da Luz. O ser humano primordial era um filho da Luz. Permanecia em estado de perfeição espiritual bem mais elevada do que no presente; dela desceu a um estado mais material, tomando uma forma corpórea e rude. Para volver à sua primeira condição tem de percorrer o caminho por onde desceu."

Karl von Eckartshausen

Is destiny of man to rise to the spiritual center of the human primordial Light was a son of Light Remained in a state far higher than at present spiritual perfection, it came down to a state more material, taking a form body and rude. Volver to its first condition must go where the path went down. "

Karl von Eckartshausen

Rosacruz Áurea

Sabeis a que o ser humano é chamado?
Sabeis o que o ser humano pode fazer?

Pertencemos à raça dos deuses! Fomos criados à imagem de Deus; em nós brilha a centelha divina.

Do you know that human beings are called? 

Do you know what human beings can do? 

Belong to the race of gods! We were created in God's image; shines in us the divine spark.

Stones of the Sky - Neruda

I'm coming, I'm coming, wait up, stones!
Sometimes, some tone or season,
we are able to be together, or to be one,
to live, to die in this great hush
of hardness, mother of all glow.
Sometimes flowing
through volcano's fire or river's arbor
or fresh air's faithful circulars
or stuck trek through the snow
or caked dust in the desert
regions, metallic
or even farther, the polar father of stone,
icy sapphire,
in this point or port or birth or death
we shall be stone, borderless night,
unbending love, unending brilliance,
eternal light, buried fire,
pride condemned to its intensity:
the only star that is ours.  


KT Tunstall - Feel It All

Rosacruz Áurea

Deus vos concede toda a verdade à semelhança de uma escada com muitos degraus, para a salvação e a perfeição da alma, e a verdade de hoje vós a abandonareis pela verdade mais mais elevada de amanhã. Esforçai-vos pois pela perfeição.

O Evangelho dos Doze Santos

God grants you the whole truth like a staircase with many steps, for the salvation and perfection of the soul, and the truth today ye abandonareis by more higher truth tomorrow. Strive for perfection since. 

The Gospel of the Holy Twelve

sexta-feira, 21 de fevereiro de 2014

Rosacruz Áurea

O princípio de vida hermético, um princípio puramente da alma, determina: tudo receber, tudo entregar e, assim, tudo renovar.
Nossa consciência, nossa segurança, estão na matéria, pelo menos é o que pensamos, mas a única certeza na matéria e no nosso campo de vida é que eles estão constantemente submetidos à mudança. A mudança é a escola de aprendizado para a alma.
Pentagrama 2013 n. 2

The principle of hermetic life, a principle of pure soul determines: all receive, deliver and everything, so everything renew. 
Our consciousness, our safety, are in matter, at least that's what we think, but the only certainty in this field and our field of life is that they are constantly undergoing change. Change is the school learning for the soul. 

Pentagram 2013 n. 2

Rosacruz Áurea

“Não te fiz celeste nem terrestre, mortal ou imortal, afim de que tu mesmo, livremente, à maneira de um bom pintor ou de um hábil escultor, descubras tua própria forma... Poderás descer ao nível dos seres baixos e embrutecidos, poderás ao invés, por livre escolha, de tua alma, subir aos patamares superiores, que são divinos”.

Pico De La Mirandola (1463-1494)

"I did not made you heavenly nor earthly, mortal or immortal, so that you yourself freely in the manner of a good painter or a skilled sculptor, unearth your own way ... You may descend to the level of low and brutish creatures, if you'll rather, by free choice, take your soul to rise higher levels, which are divine. "

Pico de la Mirandola (1463-1494)


‘Perhaps not to be is to be without your being.’

LXIX From: ‘Cien sonetos de amor’


Perhaps not to be is to be without your being,

without your going, that cuts noon light

like a blue flower, without your passing

later through fog and stones,


without the torch you lift in your hand

that others may not see as golden,

that perhaps no one believed blossomed

the glowing origin of the rose,


without, in the end, your being, your coming

suddenly, inspiringly, to know my life,

blaze of the rose-tree, wheat of the breeze:


and it follows that I ambecause you are:

it follows from ‘you are’, that I am, and we:

and, because of love, you will, I will,

We will, come to be.  

‘It’s good to feel you are close to me in the night, love,’

LXXXIII  From: ‘Cien sonetos de amor’



It’s good to feel you are close to me in the night, love,

invisible in your sleep, intently nocturnal,

while I untangle my worries

as if they were twisted nets.


Withdrawn, your heart sails through dream,

but your body, relinquished so, breathes

seeking me without seeing me perfecting my dream

like a plant that seeds itself in the dark.


Rising, you will be that other, alive in the dawn,

but from the frontiers lost in the night,

from the presence and the absence where we meet ourselves,


something remains, drawing us into the light of life

as if the sign of the shadows had sealed

its secret creatures with flame.